Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Evolutionary Computation A Subfield Of Artificial...
section{Evolutionary Computation} Evolutionary Computation is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence. It is very well-known as its effective global search ability. These algorithms are inspired by biological mechanisms of evolution, social interactions and swarm intelligence. There are several distinguished characteristics of EC algorithms such as the use of a population and the ability of avoiding local optima. A common process of EC algorithms is as follows. Initially, the population are randomly scattered the search space. Along with the evolution process, the population moves according to a predefined fitness function. At the end of the evolution, the individual with the best fitness value is selected as the solution. The origins of evolutionary computation can be traced back to 1950s cite{back1997evolutionary}. Since 1970s, the output of EC research has grown exponentially. The majority of current implementations of EC algorithms descend from three major approaches: emph{genetic algorithms}, emph{evolutionary programming} and emph{evolution strategies}. GA was cite{holland1962outline} introduced by Holland. By far the largest applications of this techniques are in the domain of optimization cite{de1992genetic, de1993genetic}. Evolutionary programming, introduced by Fogel cite{fogel1962autonmous}, was originally attempt to create artificial intelligence. Evolutionary strategies as developed by Rechenberg cite{rechenberg1971} and Schwefel cite{Schwefel1975}, wereShow MoreRelatedARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE6331 Words  | 26 PagesARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Contents : Abstract : Introduction : History : Concepts : Branches of AI : Artificial Intelligence in fiction : Problems o 7.1 Deduction, reasoning, problem solving o 7.2 Knowledge representation o 7.3 Planning o 7.4 Learning o 7.5 Motion manipulation o 7.6 Perception o 7.7 Social intelligence o 7.8 Creativity o 7.9 General intelligence ï‚ · VIII : Tools o 8.1 Search optimization o 8.2 Logic o 8.3 Probabilistic methods for uncertain reasoning
Monday, December 23, 2019
Bending Moment and Shearing Force - 1004 Words
INTRODUCTION Basic structural learning begins with an analyzing of a simply supported beam. A beam is a structural member (horizontal) that is design to support the applied load (vertical). It resists the applied loading by a combination of internal transverse shear force and bending moment. An accurate analysis required in order to make sure the beam is construct without any excessive loads which affect its strength. A bending moment exists in a structural element when a moment is applied to the element so that the element bends. Moments and torques are measured as a force multiplied by a distance so they have as unit newton-metres (N ·m). The concept of bending moment is very important in engineering (particularly in civil and†¦show more content†¦When force is subjected further on the perpendicular distance from the origin, more bending moment are produce. This can be proven by equation below: Moment = Fd F = Load applied d = Perpendicular distance 2. When there is a moment produced, shear force will balance the system(moment forces exist) so that it will be in equilibrium state. The amount of shear force(in equilibrium) can be measured by hanging few load to get both lines(moment indicator shear indicator) in one line. 3. In engineering we need less amount of bending moment because it can reduce the amount of deflection in the beam. This can decrease the percentage of failure of the beam Conclusions In this experiment, both bending moment and shear force need to be considered to make the system in equilibrium position. We also conclude that the shorter the perpendicular distance to the load, the system will produce lessShow MoreRelatedStrength of Materials 4th Ed. by Ferdinand L. Singer17787 Words  | 72 Pagesthe applied force divided by the resisting area or ÃÆ' = Force / Area. It is the expression of force per unit area to structural members that are subjected to external forces and/or induced forces. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Research Paper on Plato Free Essays
Abstract Many Philosophers made a difference in society but Plato is perhaps recognized as the most famous. His writings have had a profound effect on people, politics, and the philosophy throughout the centuries. He was a public figure and he made major contributions to society. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Plato or any similar topic only for you Order Now Plato helped to lay the philosophical foundations of modern culture through his ideas and writings. One of the most philosophical thinkers of Western civilization, Plato is the only author from ancient Greek times whose writings survive intact. His collection consists of thirty-five dialogues and thirteen letters, though the authorship of some is contested. Plato was born in Athens, into a prosperous aristocratic family. His Father’s name was Ariston and his Mother’s name was Perictione. His relative named Glaucon was one of the best-known members of the Athenian nobility. Plato’s name was Aristocles, his nickname Plato originates from wrestling circles, Plato means broad, and it probably refers either to his physical appearance or his wrestling style. â€Å"Plato is, by any reckoning, one of the most dazzling writers in the Western literary tradition and one of the most penetrating, wide-ranging, and influential authors in the history of philosophy,†(Kraut, 2009). Plato was born during the Golden Age of Athens’s which saw the birth of classical architecture, drama, arts and politics. However, as he was growing up he observed the decline of Athens as a cultural center. He witnessed instances of cruelty, disloyalty, and dishonesty and it was in clear violation of his values. It was also during this time that Plato fell under the influence of Socrates, who engaged the people of Athens in philosophical discussions. â€Å"It was into this bright, sly, worldly atmosphere that Socrates appeared, moving questioningly about the streets of Athens†. Plato 1984). In 339 Socrates was brought to trial and charged with having false Gods and corrupting the youth. Socrates was found guilty on the charge and was sentenced to death. The execution of Socrates weighed heavily on Plato and he turned away from politics, he thought the behavior of the courts was unjust. He decided not to get involved in political life, instead he decided to leave Athens with other friends of Socrates to travel and study. During his travels he met with all kinds of people and studied not only philosophy but geometry, astronomy, and religious teachings. Socrates was extremely influential to Plato and he was the main character in numerous writings, he was also influenced by Heraclitus, Parmenides, and the Pythagoreans. One of the most important goals Plato set for himself was to keep the memory of Socrates alive by recording and bringing about the kind of impact that Socrates had on people. Nearly all of Plato’s work takes the structure of dialogues in which Socrates is usually the main character. One of the goals of a Plato’s dialogue is to engross the reader in philosophical questions related to the ideas being discussed. The Socrates of the Platonic dialogues is modeled after the real Socrates but it is in part an imaginary character used to impart Platonic themes. Plato’s dialogues are divided into three groups, the early or Socratic dialogues; the dialogues of middle age; and the dialogues of old age. In the early dialogues, Socrates is the main character, but it is generally believed that Plato is expressing his own views. These are the only remaining dialogues of Socrates teachings hence; they are referred to as the Socratic dialogues. In The Apology Socrates was accused of having false gods and corrupting the youth. While on trial Socrates claimed that he was innocent and was not at all wise, â€Å"Men of Athens, I honor and love you; but I shall obey God rather than you, and while I have life and strength I shall never cease from the practice and teaching of philosophy†¦ Understand that I shall never alter my ways, not even if I have to die many times. †(Plato 1984). Middle Dialogues During Plato’s middle period he wrote the following, Meno, Republic, Euthydemus, Menexenus, Cratylus, Phaedrus, Symposium and Phaedo. The most important difference between these writings and his earlier works is that he is establishing his own voice in philosophy. In the Meno Plato introduces us to the Socratic idea that no one knowingly does wrong, â€Å"Virtue is the desire of things honourable and the power of attaining them. †Plato (1984). In the Phaedo we become familiar with the platonic doctrine of the Forms; this is where Plato makes a claim as to the immortality of the soul. Plato’s most influential work, The Republic, is part of the middle dialogues. It is a discussion of the virtues of justice, courage and wisdom. It addresses the question of how do humans approach living a good life. The dialogue finishes by looking at various forms of government and describing the ideal state. The allegory of the â€Å"Myth of the Cave†is also in The Republic it is an important writing because it contains the main points of his philosophy. It is intended to be a metaphor for education and it explains issues regarding the theory of knowledge. Plato believed one must explore the belief that a greater reality exists. It is through this belief that a person can gain greater insight into true reality and become enlightened. Without it we are like the prisoners of a cave who only see the shadows of objects and live in complete darkness. â€Å"And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened, behold! Human beings living in an underground den†(Plato 1927). It is only through philosophy that we can come out of the cave into the true world. â€Å"Who is best suited to rule the state – lovers of opinion or â€Å"true philosophers†? (Plato 1927) His final years at the Academy he wrote the later dialogues which included the Parmenides, Theatetus, Sophist, Statesmas, Timaeus, Critias, Philebus, and Laws. It should be noted that Socrates has a minor role in these writings. Plato examines his metaphysical theories through these dialogues. He discusses art, dance, music, poetry, drama, and ethics in connection to immortality and the mind. He also dedicates himself to the philosophy of mathematics, politics and religion. Plato argued that women were qualified to play a role in politics and philosophy. In The Republic, Socrates argued that women were as capable as men in pursuit of accomplishments. There is a suggestion that women should be educated for their roles in the class of guardians and possibly work next to men. A woman’s role could be significant in society, but different from a man’s role. Even though Plato believed that women were necessary in a working society, he did not mean he thought women were equals of men. Plato thought that women lacked the strength of men and that women were more suited for other responsibilities in life. â€Å"If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things. †(Plato 1927) The impact of Plato’s work cannot be measured or calculated. His writings had great influence on the entire intellectual development of Western civilization. Despite the fact that Plato did not leave a well-formed, rigid philosophical system he is considered the father for all forms of philosophical idealism and dualism. The object of education is to teach us to love what is beautiful. †(Plato 1984). After he died the Academy continued until AD 529, when it was closed due to its pagan teachings. Neo-Platonism, founded by the 3rd-century philosopher Plotinus, was an important development of Platonism. It was a philosophical system which was as a combination of Platonic, Pythagorean, and Aristotelian elements. Originally it was opposed to Chr istianity but later on it integrated it. It dominated European thought until the 13th century and re-emerged during the Renaissance. The most important Renaissance Neo-Platonist was â€Å"Marsilio Ficino†who developed significant ideas from Plato and Neo-Platonism. Ficino founded of the Academy in Firenze and was responsible for the circulation of Neo-Platonic ideas. Ficino is credited with translating all of Platos’ dialogues into Latin and produced a great work called Platonic Theology, in which he outlines Neo-Platonism. His philosophy is based on the doctrine that the human soul is the center of the cosmos. It is the only thing that sits between the world of ideas and the world is the soul. Neo-Platonism was revived in the 17th century by the Cambridge Platonists such as Cudworth and Smith. The school stressed the importance of reason, maintaining that faith and reason are not that different. Rene Descartes an 18th century philosopher and Neo-Platonist developed a method to achieve truths. If something is not recognized by the intellect or reason can be classified as knowledge. According to Descartes. These truths are gained â€Å"without any sensory experience†(Descartes). He argued that as a result of his method, reason alone determined knowledge and that this could be done independently of the senses. Cogito ergo sum, I think therefore I exist†(Descartes) Plato developed an absolutist ethical theory which is that there is a greater good toward which to aspire. He developed this theory to respond to the skepticism and the beliefs of the Sophists who Plato felt did not preach wisdom, but rather their opinions. Plato tried to protect the part of reasoning in human life though he had resistance from the ancient Greek preachers know as the Sophists. They came from different cities and proclaimed that they were able to impart knowledge to young men how to live prosperous lives. Even though the Sophists did not belong to a school and did not have a common creed, some opinions were typical of them as a group and were absolutely conflicting to the views of Plato. The Sophists were great communicators and skilled public speakers. Plato felt that the Sophists were more likely to appeal to emotions rather than to reason. According to Plato philosophers influence people’s souls not their bodies and Plato agreed with Socrates in thinking that the nurturing of the soul is more vital than the nurturing of the body. Furthermore, he also believed that true leaders need to have wisdom, and knowledge. Plato’s influence has been monumental as one philosopher said the history of philosophy is simply â€Å"a series of footnotes to Plato. †(Whitehead) Plato’s has been criticized down through the centuries for his philosophy of the forms. His ideas of the just life and an ideal state are complex. Plato tended to specifically ignores much of human nature. Plato did not think in the realm of the physical world, he was always looking to a different one where things exist only if he can prove there existence. References Kraut, R. (2009, Sept) Plato Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/plato; Plato. (1984) Great dialogues of Plato New York: Mentor Books trans. by Benjamin Jowett Blackburn, S. (1945) The republic of Plato. (45 ed. ). London: Oxford University Press, USA. trans. By Desmond Lee Descartes. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/descartes-works; Alfred North Whitehead. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/whitehead/ How to cite Research Paper on Plato, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Aristotle vs. Plato Essay Example For Students
Aristotle vs. Plato Essay Aristotle vs. PlatoExcellence is a function which renders excellent the thing of which it is a function is Platos definition of virtue. What does this definition really mean though? Plato and Aristotle both had their own unique arguments devoted to the topic at hand, and their own ways of describing what virtue really is. Defining virtue may seem to be an easy taste, but to truly understand the arguments behind the definition can prove to be very challenging. Before discussing virtue, the sole must first be considered. There are three types of soul, according to Aristotle. The three types form a hierarchy. As the hierarchy increases, each form includes the one below. The first level is called vegetable, which is characterized by certain functions, and involves nourishment and growth. The second is animal and involves perception and locomotion along with the vegetable characteristics. The last and final level is the rational soul. This highest form is similar to the animal soul but also involves theoretical (passive) and practical (active) rationality. Humans possess this type of soul, and are able to be rational, and to instill rationality into their lives when dealing with their appetites, which are the objects and actions humans are attracted to. Aristotle believed that the ultimate goal in life is happiness, and people should live their lives in order to be happy. According to him, the soul doesnt survive after death, so people should strive to be happy while they are alive. Since we havent direct knowledge of soul we try to understand to become truly virtuous. In Aristotles quest to understand virtue, he works rationally trying to rationalize the irrational. He used a system of rewards known as habituation. This system helps to make one virtuous by giving a person self-control allowing them to train their irrational side to become rational. This process in turn creates character. People work indirectly to rid bad habits, such as smoking and to set up lives full of good habits. One of the questions that commonly arise when talking about virtue is, What is good? The answer to the question according to Aristotle is happiness. There are four qualities associated with happiness: 1) Pleasure 2) Wealth 3) Honor 4) Excellence. Lets consider each and determine which is most essential. Pleasure involves appetite and the objects and /or actions we desire. A person cannot be overly happy, but they can have too much pleasure leading to unhappiness, instead of true happiness. Wealth causes people to ask the question How much is too much? Aristotle belie ved a person could have too much wealth. He believes it is more important to buy leisure time than inanimate objects. Too much wealth leads a person away from happiness according to Aristotle. Honor is something some people have great amounts of, while others have very little. It is good to be honored and respected in life. Some people, such as political leaders and even actors and actresses are honored more than others. Being overly honored can also cause people to be unhappy since most honored people have people who despise and resent them. Aristotle came to the conclusion that it is far better to be honorable than honored. This brings up the final quality of happiness, EXCELLENCE. This quality is key for humans pursuit of happiness. Aristotle believes in personal happiness and when defining virtue itself, he used the word excellence.When talking about happiness and goodness, there must be an important quality present. According to Aristotle, people need to practice balance and mo deration in their every day lives. Achieving this middle ground, or mean, translates into being virtuous in Aristotles mind. If virtue is present, so is its opposite vise. For every virtue, there are two vices. One vice is excessive while the other is deficiency. Courage works as a great example because it is virtuous. The excessive vise is recklessness and the deficient vice is cowardice. People need to strive to achieve the mean and to avoid the two vices in Aristotles eyes. .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293 , .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293 .postImageUrl , .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293 , .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293:hover , .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293:visited , .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293:active { border:0!important; } .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293:active , .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293 .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udcdfad2ee59a5b1612b301a2f223a293:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Alexander the great 2 EssayFriendship is another important concept in the discussion of virtue. Is friendship justice of happiness? Aristotle follows what is known as an organic view of society in order to explain justice. Society is made of many different parts and people and everyone works together to form a good society. People do what they are good at and share it with others. In a social system like this one, it can only be as strong as it weakest link. The link is classified as moral support and respect to fellow citizens. In order for a society to be just, all members must be honored and the correct political system must be in action, which suits all of the members of society equally well. This is a type of friendship, where morals are followed and respect is given. Justice comes from the production of this happiness. Plato has a few different concepts of soul. He believes that the soul is separate from the body. The soul has a very long lifespan, along with integrity and a very unique function. If someone loses a soul, they are thought to have lost everything, since the body is essentially useless. He believes people should live their lives in such a way that, when they die, they will have good souls, even if they were not happy while they were alive. Plato sees nothing wrong with people having to make unfortunate sacrifices, the way Socrates did when he was sentenced to death. Plato places a greater emphasis on theoretical rationality, which is where Plato and Aristotle disagree. According to Plato, good is so fundamentally compelling that, when it enters a persons mind, it is impossible to turn away from good, and a person will in fact, do good. Plato believes directly in purifying the intent. He believes people should strive to achieve goodness though direct actions and ways of living. He beli eves that we are good and moral, and that we live our lives for the sake of being good, in order to have a good soul, after this lifetime ends. This is one of the weakest points in Platos arguments. Once again bringing up the question of What is good? and looking at how Plato goes about answering it. In Platos opinion, good is the good, itself. He believes people who are virtuous have an innate goodness, and this is not seen fully in one lifetime. The soul must take part in several lifetimes in order to see true goodness. Another important difference between the arguments of Plato and Aristotle deals with experience. To Aristotle, experience is the originating source of our sense of good; we start with experience, and eventually find goodness. Plato believes the opposite is true. He believes experience is occasional, and that we start with goodness, which eventually leads to experiences. Platos idea of justice is his strong point in his arguments. He believes justice is a natural part of goodness, and is an intrinsic characteristic humans possess. When a person is good, they are naturally just. They do not have to work to achieve justice, but it comes along with their goodness. Goodness and justice seem to go hand-in-hand, unlike happiness and justice, in the eyes of Aristotle. The main point that Plato is trying to get across is that being happy does not always mean being just. In all cases, Platos argument is more accepted and supported throughout the world. Plato believes people should strive to be virtuous in order to achieve true goodness. Our souls live on, long after our mortal selves do, and Plato does not believe in consequences. We should live our lives, let go, and ignore the consequences, since we have many lives left, after the ones we are currently partaking in expires. Instead, we should just do good, and follow what is good, no matter what happens to us in the process. Virtue is thought to be an innate concept, and it illuminates that which we take to be virtuous. Plato believes virtue is seen in a reflective form, not directly. .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601 , .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601 .postImageUrl , .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601 , .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601:hover , .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601:visited , .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601:active { border:0!important; } .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601:active , .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601 .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue5852393384f0adbe4811b5cfc0dc601:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Paintball Essay PaperBoth arguments explain virtue, or goodness. Aristotle and Plato each have their own ways of explaining and understanding what true goodness is, and each have their own supportive arguments, such as Platos argument of justice. Is this argument right? This question has no answer, since what is right in one persons opinion may not be right in another persons.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Brahmagupta Essay Example
Brahmagupta Essay Brahmagupta was born c. 598, in Bhillamala, which was located in Northwestern India.The suffix -gupta probably indicated that the family belonged to the Vaisya caste (made up of mostly farmers and merchants). He likely lived the majority of his life in Ujjain, India, which at the time was the center of Hindu astronomy and mathematics.There he had access to the best observatory in India as well as the writings of many great scientists and mathematicians who came before him, such as Hero of Alexandria, Ptomely, Diophantus and Aryabhata.In his own work he drew heavily from these sources and often corrected their mistakes. At the age of 30, Brahmagupta wrote hisfirst book, Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta.In 25 chapters this work explains much of his work in astronomy and mathematics.One of his greatest contributions that was revealed with the Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta was the defining of zero.He defined it as the result of subtracting a number from itself.Some of the properties he listed follow: When zero is added to a number or subtracted from a number, the number remains unchanged; and a number multiplied by zero becomes zero. He also gave rules for zero in terms of fortunes, which represent positive numbers, and debts, the negative numbers, as well as fortunes related to debts: A debt subtracted from zero is a fortune. A fortune subtracted from zero is a debt. The product of zero multiplied by a debt of fortune is zero. The product of zero multiplied zero is zero. The product or quotient of two fortunes is one fortune. The product or quotient of two debts is one debt. The product or quotient of a debt and a fortune is a debt. The product or quotient of a fortune and a debt is a debt. In a failed attempt to extend these statements to include division by zero Brahmagupta stated that zero divided by zero is zer
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Reasons Why Firms Want to Use Earning Management Essay Example
The Reasons Why Firms Want to Use Earning Management Essay Example The Reasons Why Firms Want to Use Earning Management Essay The Reasons Why Firms Want to Use Earning Management Essay Good afternoon everyone, today we are going to continue to talk about the consequence of Earning Management, I am xxx We will present the bad side of earning management through 2 cases, The first one is Enron: what happened and what we can learn from it and the second one is the ethical dilemma at Northlake. Both cases are present how management is motived to manipulate accounting numbers to achieve their specific purpose, for example in the first case, Enron increased their net income through many methods to rise their share price, but in the second case, the company decreased their net income. However, both earning management comes with the bad consequences happened to the society. Next, we are going to see another example which is how management is motived to manipulate accounting number to reduce or underprovide for environment and restoration costs. As a result, there cause some ethical issue. First let us go through the Background information: (A. F. P. Company). It is in the Pulp and Paper industry. The company had three major mills, located in some of the more remote location in the province. From A. F. P. Company’s standpoint, of course they do not want to expend too much money on the discharge of waste water from pulp and paper mills; furthermore, the firm had been facing difficult financial times due to recession, and this had caused substantial hardship in the three small communities where the mills were located. But, as in the Pulp and Paper industry has the responsibility to the new government proposals to put effluent controls on the discharge of waste water from Paper mills in environmentally sensitive regions of the province. Therefore, the managers in the (A. F. P. Company) find a way to give themselves a reasonable reason not to install the cleaning equipment. CEO and V. P. of A. F. P. collude together to use earning management to increase their cost on the financial analysis. in the financial report, they states that â€Å"we will have severe financial problems if we are forced into building a lagoon for waste water treatment†, in order to show their fake severe financial problem going to happen, they highly estimate their operating cost would rise 30%, but in fact their cost only can be rise around 8%-10%). And they also highly estimated all other costs. In addition, they don’t take into account the damage to the local river at all. The people live in the downstream are still drinking the garbage or damaged water In this case, let us put all the legal issues behind, and focus on the ethical issue first. As the case mentioned the down totally dependent on the mill for economic survival. It is kind of like Blackberry in Waterloo. As the mills goes, so goes the town. And will thousands of people lost their jobs, if put you in the position to decide between the economic survival or environment damage, how will you decide? If you in the position of A. P. F’s accountant how do you decide between your personal benefits and code of professional code? Let’s say, if you do not use earning management to increase the cost, you will force to lose your job by the CEO.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Language Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Language - Personal Statement Example Even in my country, there is only one of my peers that curses and my friends and I have alienated him. I am a tremendous believer that first impressions mean everything. I am not a fan of profanity. I do realize that some people have awful moments and at some times have even heard a profane comment well placed. While I may find the circumstances understandable, I myself do not curse at all. As a result, I found that this assignment was rather simple. I did notice though that so many people employ profane words as part of their basic English. I find the practice in general to be offensive and also to be a sure sign of ignorance. One can walk a city street anywhere and hear phrases peppered with the "F-bomb" and what not. For example "I need cash but I can't find a F------ ATM machine". I go about my daily business without having to caution myself in cursing thus this assignment was not one that I found to be challenging. I did note however, that I was intensely alert to those cursing around me. I wonder what would happen if people actually listened to themselves speak. We have a moment, and only a fleeting one after that first impression, to alter it. After one looks at us, they hear us speak. We usually use our voices to deliver a message to others. That message can be taken as true or false.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Globalization and the Capitalist State Redundant Essay
Globalization and the Capitalist State Redundant - Essay Example In view of the Marxist globalization has been seen as an expansion or development of capitalism in the world. Like other traditional works that were seen to fit in a loose framework of anti-globalization, Marxism may not be described as a single movement nor can it be described as following a unitary intellectual practice from a theoretical perspective. In this case we should understand that Marxism as whole has been engaging with contemporary phenomena in a way that the manner and the mindsets that it has been postulating in the past has been evidence in class, political economy, labor, capitalism and in many other socialism concepts and revolution described as the central axis of globalization. (Ollman 1998, p.87)  With the end of communism in Eastern Europe in the 1990s, and the consequent embrace of the capitalism like in the Peoples Republic of China has been expressed as the end of the Marxism’s period. Regardless of the fact that the world has embraced the capitalist economies, Marxism still present a poignant and painful way of accounting for globalization. This has been witnessed in what is happening in the aftermath of the wave that took the world from the 1990s. Marxism has been expressed in many areas like the free-markets, oppressed and exploited labor, modernization, and many other reforms that have been carried out in the political, social and economic systems of the world.  Globalization has been described as the increased interaction of the world or the opening up the world. In the last few decades, there has been increased movement of people and goods. There has been the emergence of the new market. Therefore globalization has been a tendency to create a unipolar world though it has been expressed mostly in economic terms.
Monday, November 18, 2019
USPS Political and Legal Barriers Research Paper - 1
USPS Political and Legal Barriers - Research Paper Example Canada, on the other hand consists of three territories and ten provinces (Kemp, 2010). It covers 9.98 million square kilometers, and its population consists of Paleo-Indian and aboriginal societies. Canada is also a developed nation (just like the United States). It is one of the wealthiest nations and is ranked the eighth highest in terms of per capita income and Human Development Index. It has the highest measurement of civil liberties, living standards, education and government transparency. The parliamentary system of Canada’s governance is within the constitutional monarchy. The monarchy lays the foundations of the legislature, judiciary and executive branches. Queen Elizabeth II is the sovereign and serves as the head of state; however the Governor General, who is the Queen’s representative, conducts several federal duties in the country. However, the functions of such royal figures is limited since their executive powers are subject to the control of the cabinet, the committee made up of Ministers of the Crown who are responsible to the House of common and headed by the Prime Minister who is the overall head of Canadian government. The prime minister, who is the leader of a political party that has majority members in the house of common, is usually elected by the governor general (Mankiw, 2008). His office has significant power to influence major legislations and parliamentary approval. It heads major government agencies and the Crown corporations. Th e leader of the opposition party then becomes leader of Loyal Opposition and checks the government. The members of parliament are usually elected by simple majority at an electoral district in a general election that is done every four years or when a vote of no confidence against the government is made by the house of common. This election is usually called out by the governor in general through consultation with the Prime Minister (Romney, 1989).
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Analysis Of The Coconut Oil Industry Economics Essay
Analysis Of The Coconut Oil Industry Economics Essay The coconut oil milling industry, which started during over a century ago, is still active and exporting to other countries. This industry seems to have a huge potential for profit in both the local and global setting. Producing millions of metric tons of coconut oil, the Philippines is the top exporter of coconut oil; hence, the firms producing them are highly profitable. This paper investigates the profitability level of the coconut oil industry. Furthermore, the paper would be looking at its production and exports contributing to the economy. Lastly, the paper would take a look at its trends and how it affects Philippines GDP. The paper would be using statistics, tables, graphs and news to prove that the said industry is making profit up to this point. This paper hopes to achieve more insight on the coconut oil industry and learn more about its current state in the Philippine market. Introduction Background History Other than semi-conductors exports, the Philippines is also known for its coconut oil exports. The Philippines is presently the top exporter of coconut oil worldwide. In 1989, the Philippines was the second largest exporter after Indonesia. The Philippines is producing a lot of metric tons of coconut oil and exporting them to the world. Some of the countries that the Philippines cater to are United States, Netherlands, Japan, Italy, and China (Philippines coco oil exports up to 33.39 pct in November, 2010). The coconut oil industry started to bloom during the 1960s. The Philippine pesos devaluation during 1962 and 1970 respectively had increased the worlds demand for Philippine products such as coconut oil. Because of this devaluation, the land devoted to coconut oil has been increasing 6% per year which In the 1960s and 1970s land devoted to coconut oil cultivation has been increased by 6% per year due to the devaluation of Philippine peso in 1962 and 1970 respectively therefore increasing worlds demand for coconut oil. Because of this devaluations, the local government provided investment incentives to encourage the production/processing of coconut oil. The number of coconut mills grew from 28 to roughly 62 mills in 1979. (Philippine-Coconut Industry, 1991) During the Martial Law Regime in 1973, all coconut-related, government operations were placed under the control of one agency known as the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA). The PCA was tasked to collect a levy of P 0.55 per 100 kilograms of copra to stabilize the domestic prices of coconut-based goods, particularly coconut cooking oil. In 1974, the Coconut Industry Development Fund was created for the development of hybrid coconut trees. In the same year, the PCA was overtaken by the Coconut Producers Federation or Cocofed, a group of coconut planters. In 1975, PCA acquired a bank which was renamed to United Coconut Planters Bank, to help coconut farmers in their business. (Philippine-Coconut Industry, 1991) In the early 1980s, as coconut prices began to fall, the government was pressured to alter the structure of the industry. The government was being forced to give up its monopolization of coconut oil. In 1985 the Philippine government agreed to dismantle the United Coconut Oil Mills as part of an agreement with the IMF to bail out the Philippine economy. By 1989, coconut trees occupied about 25% of cultivated land. It is estimated that around 25% to 33% of the population was at least partly dependent on coconuts for their livelihood. (Philippine-Coconut Industry, 1991) Research Coconut Industry The coconut industry is the biggest agricultural industry. Based on 2002 Census from the Department of Agriculture, the industry compromises roughly 1.4 million or at least 30% of the total farms in the Philippines. The production of coconut oil heavily rests on the coconut grown by the millions of farmers. The land that grows coconuts is totaled to be roughly 3.32 million ha which surprisingly is even bigger than the land used to produce rice (Dy, 2006). There are 65 coconut oil mills which have the capacity to crush 4.54 million tons of coconut a year (Dy, 2006). The agricultural sector employs almost 40 percent of the total labor force to produce agricultural products like rice, coconuts, etc. (Encyclopedia of Nations). Presently, 25 to 33 percent of the population is dependent of the coconut industry as their livelihood, whether it is through farming the coconuts or milling and refining them (Dolan, 1991). The government and United Coconut Association of the Phillippines (UCAP) declared that the coconut industry might be the next major employment sector of the Philippines (Coconut industry poised as next major employment sector, 2011). They projected that the employment coming from the coconut industry would significantly increase in size by end of 2016 (Coconut industry poised as next major employment sector, 2011). Market size Figure Coconut Oil ProductionThe Philippines, Indonesia, and India are the leading exporters of coconut oil in the Asia Pacific. They account for more 75% of the total production of coconut oil in the world (Smith Nyugen, 2009). It is estimated that the Philippines alone produces around 13 billion coconuts which is refined to oil (Dhanuraj, 2004). In 2011, the production of coconut oil in the Philippines was estimated to be roughly 1.7 million metric tons (Index Mundi, 2011). In the past five years, more and more coconut oil is being produced due to the efficiency of equipment and cultivation of land. The continuous trend in production of coconut oil is an indication of how stable the industry is. The fact that the industry can manufacture almost the same amount of coconut oil per year would show us how stable the industry is. Revenues on Exports Source: Bureau of Agricultural Statistics Figure 2 Coconut Oil Exports Figure Coconut Oil ExportsThe coconut oil industry is focused more on exporting cooking oil to other countries. There is no data on the revenue and profit of the industry in the local setting. Every four out of five metric tons produced in South East Asia, especially from the big three producers, are sent to either Europe or the United States (Smith Nyugen, 2009). Only one out of every five metric tons remains in Asia. The Philippines, being the top exporter of coconut oil in the world, has exported millions of metric tons in the past three years (Department of Agriculture, 2011)(see figure above). Furthermore in 2010, the Philippines has not only exported 1.3 billion metric tons of coconut oil, but also earned around 1.2 billion USD which is an outstanding revenue of 55 billion pesos (Department of Agriculture, 2011). During the First quarter of 2010, the prices were pegged at around 1000 USD (Department of Agriculture, 2011). GDP In recent years, the agricultural sector roughly contributes 12~15 percent of the Philippine GDP (Index Mundi, 2011). The agricultural sector had contributed roughly 4 billion USD in 2010. Coconut oil and tuna were computed to be 39.67% percent of the total GDP contributed by the agricultural sector (Department of Agriculture, 2002). The GDP of 2010 has risen by roughly 30.67% from the previous years GDP (Department of Agriculture, 2011). Though it is true that the GDP decreased in 2011, mathematically speaking the GDP contributed by the agricultural sector did not. During 2010, the GDP of the Philippines is roughly 7.3% and roughly 13.9% of comes from the agricultural sector (Instituto Espanyol De Comercio Exterior). In 2011, the GDP is roughly 3.7% which is significantly lower than the previous year, but the agricultural sector still maintains and contributes roughly 12.3% which is not bad (Index Mundi, 2011). Furthermore, on December 2011, coconut oil exports began to rise again by about 2.7% (Reuters, 2011).Thus, coconut oil exports would increase by the year 2012. The Philippine Coco Coir Industry forecasts that by 2016, the exports of coconut oil would increase by 400 percent (Coconut industry poised as next major employment sector, 2011). Importance to the Economy. According to the research done Roland Dy, Ph.D, the coconut oil industry is important to the economy of the Philippines. First, coconut farms are located in 68 out of the 79 provinces of the Philippines. Second, 30% of the total farmlands in the Philipines are coconut farms. Third, coconuts contribute half of the agricultural exports. Fourth, coconut farming lands have the largest potential of diversification. Fifth, it is a huge untapped resource pool for industry development (Dy, 2006). Not only has coconut oil been sold abroad as exports, but it also used as cooking oil. Coconut oil is also used in homes (Isip, 2012). A significant percentage of the market uses coconut oil. It is not only used by homes but also by biscuit industries. The National and Global Environment Technological Environment The Technological Environment of a business greatly affects its ability to produce its products and, therefore, affect its overall performance in the industry. In the Philippines in 1997, coconut production in copra equivalent accounted for 3.83% of the total production of agricultural crops (Aragon, 2000). The coconut production during 1990-1997 was a little small which was due to the slow growth rates in coconut hectarage (0.9%/year) and coconut-bearing trees (0.3%/year) (Aragon, 2000). During the period of 1990-1997, about 91% of the coconut production in the Philippines passes through the copra stage (Aragon, 2000). The minimal production of coconuts of the stagnant farm sector caused the over-capacity of the coconut industrial sector. According to the study done by the Philippine Coconut Industry, there are about 65 coconut oil mills with an installed copra crushing capacity of 4.54 million tons a year (Dy, 2006). According to another study made by them, the number of mills in t he Philippines rose from 28 in 1968 to 62 in 1979 (Phillipine Coconut Industry, 1991). There was also an issue of declining yields because of the aging of coconut trees in some regions (Phillipine Coconut Industry, 1991). Some coconut oil milling industries still use low technology machineries or techniques to produce coconut products. There have been many researches and experiments done to improve this industry. Technologies for coconut processing have been made but only a few of these reached the actual production areas. During a study made by Joey Faustino (2006), the farmers burn the higher value coconut husks/shell to dry the lower value output that is copra(coconut shell). This means that because of the low level technologies that are used by some of the farmers and companies, their level of output is also affected. A famous Malaysian newspaper republishes Wong Yee Tuans work, which says: In the late 19th century, a few businessmen introduced new technology and established Khie Heng Bee Mill, a modern rice and oil mill equipped with steam and hydraulic machinery. The mill was driven by a 60hp horizontal engine and the hydraulic oil presses were worked by a 24ho engine. It was capable of producing 100 piculs (6,000 kilos) of oil per day. It became one of the largest and most important industrial concerns in northern Malaya. The founders of this modern enterprise were Phuah Hin Leong, Chuah Yu Kay, Lim Leng Cheak, Cheah Joo Jin and Cheah Ewe Ghee. (Tuan, 2011) Their technological advancement affected their capability in producing their products. The initiative made by these businessmen inspired others to develop new technologies to improve the industry. In Zamboanga, the Zamboanga Coconut Research Center have produced around 20 hybrid coconut varieties according to the Philippine Coconut Administration (Gumapon). These hybrid coconut varieties were discovered to counter the dry spell (Gumapon). The Coconut Industry Investment Fund-Oil Mills also uses modern technologies in operating their plants. Their plants have a combined crushing capacity of 750,000 metric tons of copra with a refining capacity of 280,500 metric tons of different grades of processed coconut oils (CIIF Oil Mills Group). Having technological advancements helps the industry to improve. The modern technologies help the companies to produce more copra which in turn helps them produce more coconut oil. Economic Trends Coconut oil production is a constant all year round process. As long as there is a constant supply of coconut, coconut oil, and other by-products are constantly being refined and manufactured. Coconut oil products are sold to different firms all over the Philippines and are also exported to other countries all over the world. The Philippines mostly exports its products to countries like United States, Japan, Europe, and most of the ASEAN countries (Encyclopaedia of Nations). The Philippines, being the top producer and exporter of coconut oil, is rapidly growing during the last few years. In the last two years, 1.69 billion metric tons of coconut oil is being produced all over the Philippines (Index Mundi, 2011). But in the recent years, the exportation of coconut oil is slowing declining over the years. The coconut oil industry for 2011 exports roughly fell to .8 million metric tons from the 1.34 million of metric tons produced during 2010 (Olchondra, 2012). Decline in exports of coconut oil is being attributed to the 2011s large export of coconut oil. During January 2012, a coconut oil export is roughly 54,000 metric tons which is roughly half the exports of last year (Galvez, 2012). According to Yvonne Agustin, UCAP executive director the export of coconut oil is going to increase by the second quarter. She says, Right now, the demand for CNO is still weak since most of the foreign buyers still have plenty of stocks from last year, but we expect demand to pick up in the second quarter of the year (Galvez, 2012). According to a research by Asian and Pacific Coconut Community, coconut oil is being produce and exported in significant volumes (see figure below). During the early stages of the coconut oil industry, the production and exports of coconut oil is roughly 1.5 million metric tons and .5 million metric tons respectively. The market had grown so fast that the Philippines alone can produce the same amount of coconut oil in just a year time. (Vinay Chand Association) Figure Coconut Oil Production and ExportsProduction and Exports of Coconut Oil in Metric TonsC:UsersROBERT S. CHENGDesktopUntitled.png Source: Index MundiGlobal Environment Coconut oil accounts for approximately 20% of all vegetable oils used worldwide. Coconut oil is used in margarines, vegetable shortening, salad oils, confections, and in sports drinks to boost energy and enhance athletic performance. The total cultivation under coconut was estimated at 11.0 million hectares producing 55 million tons in 2004. Asia remained the largest producing region at 46 million tons or 85% of global production in 2004. In the western hemisphere, South America was a major producing region at 6% of production (Singh Seepersad Rankine eds, 2007) Philippines and Indonesia are the worlds two largest producers of coconut, with an estimated production of 16.3 million tons and 14.4 million tons from 3.3 million ha and 2.7 million ha respectively. In 2007, the Philippines produced 37% of total world production and Indonesia comes second with 29%. India, the third largest with 13%, produced an estimated 10 million tons from 1.9 million ha. Indonesia and the Philippines were major exporters while India consumed most of its coconut production. Central America, Brazil, Mexico (with 4%) and Jamaica were major producers in the Western Hemisphere (Singh Seepersad Rankine eds, 2007). World production in 2007 fell by -6.8% yr/yr to 4.652 million metric tons, and remains far below the record high of 5.662 million metric tons posted in 2001. (CRB Fundamentals 2008 Commodity Articles: Coconut Oil and Copra, 2008). This fact might be true for the worlds production of coconut oil. But the Philippines is still consistently performing well with 1.358 million metric tons and 1.625 million metric tons in 2001 and 2007 respectively (Index Mundi). The table that follows summarizes the world production of coconut oil in 2011. World Coconut Oil Production in 2011 Source: USDA Figure Coconut Oil Production 2011 Price of Coconut Oil in 2011 Source: Index Mundi Figure Coconut Oil Prices Percentage Change in Coconut Oil Prices in 2011 Jan 2011 2,063.00 Source: Index Mundi- Feb 2011 2,260.00 9.55 % Mar 2011 1,925.00 -14.82 % Apr 2011 2,088.00 8.47 % May 2011 2,097.00 0.43 % Jun 2011 1,803.00 -14.02 % Jul 2011 1,663.00 -7.76 % Aug 2011 1,454.00 -12.57 % Sep 2011 1,310.00 -9.90 % Oct 2011 1,208.80 -7.73 % Nov 2011 1,479.00 22.35 % Dec 2011 1,439.00 -2.70 % Figure Coconut Oil Price Change The world market price for coconut oil is constantly fluctuating. The following table shows the schedule for the price of coconut oil in the world market for the past year. In 2011 alone, price percentage changes fluctuated to a decrease as low as -14.82% in March and to an increase as high as 22.35% in November. The following table shows the schedule for the price of coconut oil in the world market for the past year. Health Benefits Coconut oil is known to be one of the more expensive oils. It can be seen in trends that among the widely used edible oils, coconut oil usually takes a higher level of prices. The following graph compares edible oil prices of soybean oil, palm oil, canola oil and coconut oil from 1997 to 2005. The steep downward slope of coconut oil was due to the Asian financial crisis. Coconut oil being more expensive than its competitors had suffered a lot from the crisis. As seen after the crisis, the trend is gearing upwards again. Edible Oil Prices from 1997 to 2005 Source: Index Mundi Figure Edible Oil Prices When talking about the global environment of the coconut oil industry, it is important to take note of the possible impact of recent medical research done on the health benefits that can possibly be acquired from coconut oil. As written by Singh, Seepersad and Rankine(2007), Over the last decade, there has been an increase in the number of scientific studies conducted relating to the merits of the traditional tropical diets premised on the use of fruits and vegetables as practiced in the Philippines and Hawaii. Also, studies focused on the merits of using some of the product derivatives such as coconut and palm oil as compared to traditional soybean and other unsaturated oils. Coconut oil has been proven to have a saturated fat, which is of the medium-chain fatty acid variety (MCFA). MCFAs are more readily digested by the body, in that MCFAs are not stored as fat but are immediately converted into energy. This results in an overall increase of the bodys metabolism. Studiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ showed that coconut oil prevented the formation of hepatic cholesterol esters. In addition to this, the lauric acid found in coconut oil provides the disease fighting fatty acid monolaurin, which boosts the immune system. Coconut reportedly has been proven to have no dangerous trans-fats, which are traditionally found in vegetable oils, margarines and shortenings. These substances have the effect of increasing the bodys production of LDLs or bad cholesterol, which has implications for heart disease, diabetes and other health problems. Conclusion The Philippine Coconut Oil industry, which started over a century ago, bloomed and is still consistently profiting from selling cooking oil to the local and global market. Though it has been affected by the Asian Financial Crisis, it still managed to recover. It was able to brought back its sales. The trend of using coconut oil is still consistent. The Philippines produces and exports coconut oil in the same degree. Despite the fluctuating prices and volumes sold of coconut oil, the percentage it contributes to the Philippines GDP has been overall consistent over the past few years. With new technology, the production of coconut oil has been and is consistently getting better. There are fewer wastes, and the cooking oil manufacturers are finding ways to use these wastes for other purposes. My uncle who is part of this industry and one of the leading manufacturers of coconut oil says they are using the wastes as components for bio-fuel. The market for coconut oil has been consistent throughout these past few years despite the costs of coconut oil against its substitutes. Though edible coconut oil is a lot more expensive than oil made from other products such as palm oil, coconut oil is still welcomed by the market. With this statistics, I would like to believe that the coconut oil industry would continue to move on and still be successful in future. Despite the indications of the industry degrading, still shows consistent performance.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Darwinism in Great Expectations by Charles Dickens Essay -- Social Darw
Few people argue that Great Expectations, one of Dickens’s later novels, is a Darwinian work. Goldie Morgentaler, in her essay â€Å"Meditating on the Low: A Darwinian Reading of Great Expectations,†is one of those few. She argues primarily that Darwin’s Origin of the Species was a major topic of discussion in Dickens’s circle at the time he wrote Great Expectations, and that Great Expectations â€Å"marks the first time that Dickens jettisons heredity as a determining factor in the formation of the self†(Morgentaler, 708). This fascinating insight draws one to read more of Morgentaler’s essay. It does not, however, compel the reader to admit that Dickens became Darwinian. Morgentaler’s main argument, though useful, could point just as well, if not better, to Dickens’s growing maturity as a Christian. Dickens gives very little emphasis to effects of heredity in Great Expectations. Three major characters, Pip, Estella, and Magwitch, grow up without any contact with their biological parents. Pip’s parents, in fact, never make an appearance, except as a tombstone in the first several paragraphs of the book, and the reader knows as little about them as Pip does. It is impossible to tell what traits Pip might have inherited from them, and such facts seem irrelevant to the plot. Estella, of course, is raised by a vengeful Miss Havisham. In fact, her true mother, when she is discovered, turns out to be capable of violent passion and murder – quite the opposite of Estella’s calm, almost heartless personality. And Magwitch, constantly in and out of jail, â€Å"was took up, took up, took up to that extent that [he] reg’larly grow’d up took up†(Dickens 321). These three characters’ environments and upbringings, not their parental her i... ...roughout her essay, but she stretches them to make them fit a Darwinian reading, and she ignores Christian wording that attributes the course of Great Expectations and the growth of characters to the influence of the Judeo-Christian God. Rather, in direct opposition to Darwin, Dickens denies that inherited genetic traits control a person. If all people are equally low, they are also equally capable of a Christian love, goodness, and grace. And if Dickens emphasizes this theme more distinctly in Great Expectations than in previous works, the effect is only to create a novel that is more, not less, profoundly Christian. Works Cited Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. New York: Bantam Books, 1981. Morgentaler, Goldie. â€Å"Meditating on the Low: A Darwinian Reading of Great Expectations.†Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 38.4 (Autumn 1998): 707-721.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Contrast Studying Alone to Studying in a Group Essay
Do you like to study alone or study in a group? Maybe some people will like to study alone, and other people will like to study in a group. Like studying alone, studying in a group will make you learn a lot of new things. Then studying alone and studying in a group can help you to gain knowledge and renew you information. Although they have some similarities, they still have some differences. Studying in a group makes your study easier, spends you time less, and makes you more actively. First, studying in a group will make your study easier. Studying alone and studying in a group have different styles. If you study in a group, you may have some co-workers. If you can’t understand or answer the questions, those co-workers will help you to resolve the problems. This kind of study style will make your study easier. In contrast, If you study alone and have some questions, you can not easy to find someone to help you. You may feel alone and helpless. Therefore, although you can study in any of these two ways, you will feel more helpful when you study in a group. Second, studying in a group will spend your time less. When you study, you may want to spend less time learning more things. These two ways will bring different outcome. Studying in a group means you and others people work together, and all of you need to think about the same problems. You can devide one work from different parts, of the work. You will finish the job more quickly. In contrast, when you study alone, you have to finish your work by yourself. You will take more time to finish it. Therefore, studying in a group can save you time on study. Finally, studying in a group will make you more actively. Whatever studying alone or studying in a group, you want to learn. When you work with others, you will get some information from others. At this time, you will think about their idea and absorb the good things from them. In contrast, when you study alone, you just know what you think and can not improve from others. When you study, you just study what you have known. Therefore, studying in a group will improve and increase your thinking. To sum up, studying in a group can make your study easier, spend your time less, and make you more actively. These two ways both can help you to study. Sometimes, studying in a group will help you a lot; sometimes, studying alone also can help you a lot. If you want to be a good student, you can choose these tow ways to use in different time. You will get help from these two ways.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Free Essays on Evaluation Veggie Tales
The episode in the unique, funny Veggie Tales series includes two separate stories to present the lesson of the good Samaritan. Parts of it are told in a â€Å"Dr. Seuss†style narration, with the occasional song tossed in. The first is a zany tale of two towns where the citizens of town one, who wear shoes on their head, are rude to town two, who wear pots, and vis versa. The Biblical lesson portrayed here is to love your neighbor. This means that you lend a hand if one is needed. Also if you feel that you would want that person to help you if you were in their situation, then that person is your neighbor. Poor green Larry the cucumber ends up being robbed and tossed head first in a hole by some crooks. To add insult to injury, two citizens from his home town of Flibber-o-loo, the mayor and doctor, do not help him out of his predicament. Instead a fellow from the other town, who the Fliberians do not get a long with, helps out distressed Larry. A very interesting ins ight for us â€Å"older children†is how the mayor and the doctor pass Larry by and do not lend a hand. Their excuse is that they have important things to do and are too busy. This is a sad testament to many Christians and their approach to serving God. In the midst of our activities to serve God, we often miss God’s message. Then there is â€Å"The Hairbrush Song,†a mini-opera about the loss of Larry’s hairbrush. It turns out that Bob gave it to the peach, because Larry does not have any hair; Larry’s a cucumber after all. This section is highly amusing. The second story is called â€Å"The Gourd Must Be Crazy.†The story has Junior making a list of friends to invite to his birthday party. His father asks about Fernando, a new kid in the neighborhood from a different country. Junior is not too sure about Fernando, because he thinks he is weird and funny looking. However, Junior’s father points out that Fernando is just different. Later instead o... Free Essays on Evaluation Veggie Tales Free Essays on Evaluation Veggie Tales The episode in the unique, funny Veggie Tales series includes two separate stories to present the lesson of the good Samaritan. Parts of it are told in a â€Å"Dr. Seuss†style narration, with the occasional song tossed in. The first is a zany tale of two towns where the citizens of town one, who wear shoes on their head, are rude to town two, who wear pots, and vis versa. The Biblical lesson portrayed here is to love your neighbor. This means that you lend a hand if one is needed. Also if you feel that you would want that person to help you if you were in their situation, then that person is your neighbor. Poor green Larry the cucumber ends up being robbed and tossed head first in a hole by some crooks. To add insult to injury, two citizens from his home town of Flibber-o-loo, the mayor and doctor, do not help him out of his predicament. Instead a fellow from the other town, who the Fliberians do not get a long with, helps out distressed Larry. A very interesting ins ight for us â€Å"older children†is how the mayor and the doctor pass Larry by and do not lend a hand. Their excuse is that they have important things to do and are too busy. This is a sad testament to many Christians and their approach to serving God. In the midst of our activities to serve God, we often miss God’s message. Then there is â€Å"The Hairbrush Song,†a mini-opera about the loss of Larry’s hairbrush. It turns out that Bob gave it to the peach, because Larry does not have any hair; Larry’s a cucumber after all. This section is highly amusing. The second story is called â€Å"The Gourd Must Be Crazy.†The story has Junior making a list of friends to invite to his birthday party. His father asks about Fernando, a new kid in the neighborhood from a different country. Junior is not too sure about Fernando, because he thinks he is weird and funny looking. However, Junior’s father points out that Fernando is just different. Later instead o...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Eastern North American Neolithic
Eastern North American Neolithic Archaeological evidence shows that eastern North America (often abbreviated ENA) was a separate place of origin for the invention of agriculture. The earliest evidence of low-level food production in ENA begins between about 4000 and 3500 years ago, during the period known as the Late Archaic. People entering the Americas brought with them two domesticates: the dog and the bottle gourd. Domestication of new plants in ENA began with the squash Cucurbita pepo ssp. ovifera, domesticated ~4000 years ago by Archaic hunter-gatherer-fishers, probably for its use (like the bottle gourd) as a container and fishnet float. Seeds of this squash are edible, but the rind is quite bitter. Read more about Cucurbita pepoRead more about the American Archaic Food Crops in Eastern North America The first food crops domesticated by the Archaic hunter-gatherers were oily and starchy seeds, most of which are considered weeds today. Iva annua (known as marshelder or sumpweed) and Helianthus annuus (sunflower) were domesticated in ENA by about 3500 years ago, for their oil-rich seeds. Read more about sunflower domestication Chenopodium berlandieri (chenopod or goosefoot) is reckoned to have been domesticated in Eastern North America by ~3000 BP, based on its thinner seed coats. By 2000 years ago, Polygonum erectum (knotweed), Phalaris caroliniana (maygrass), and Hordeum pusillum (little barley), Amaranthus hypochondriacus (pigweed or amaranth) and perhaps Ambrosia trifida (giant ragweed), were likely cultivated by Archaic hunter-gatherers; but scholars are somewhat divided as to whether they were domesticated or not. Wild rice (Zizania palustris) and Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) were exploited but apparently not domsticated prehistorically. Read more about chenopodium Cultivating Seed Plants Archaeologists believe that seed plants may have been cultivated by collecting the seeds and using the maslin technique, that is to say, by storing the seeds and mixing them together before broadcasting them onto a suitable patch of ground, such as a floodplain terrace. Maygrass and little barley ripen in spring; chenopodium and knotweed ripen in fall. By mixing these seeds together and sprinkling them on fertile ground, the farmer would have a patch where seeds could reliably be harvested for three seasons. The domestication would have occurred when the cultivators began selecting the chenopodium seeds with the thinnest seed covers to save and replant. By the Middle Woodland period, domesticated crops such as maize (Zea mays) (~800-900 AD) and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) (~1200 AD) arrived in ENA from their central American homelands and were integrated into what archaeologists have termed the Eastern Agricultural Complex. These crops would have been planted in large separate fields or intercropped, as part of the three sisters or mixed cropping agricultural technique. Read more about maizeRead more about the Three SistersRead more about the ​Eastern Agricultural Complex Important ENA Archaeological Sites Kentucky: Newt Kash, Cloudsplitter, Salts CaveAlabama: Russell CaveIllinois: Riverton, American Bottom sitesMissouri: Gypsy JointOhio: Ash CaveArkansas: Edens Bluff, Whitney Bluff, Holman ShelterMississippi: Natchez Sources Fritz GJ. 1984. Identification of Cultigen Amaranth and Chenopod from Rockshelter Sites in Northwest Arkansas. American Antiquity 49(3):558-572. Fritz, Gayle J. Multiple pathways to farming in precontact eastern North America. Journal of World Prehistory, Volume 4, Issue 4, December 1990. Gremillion KJ. 2004. Seed Processing and the Origins of Food Production in Eastern North America. American Antiquity 69(2):215-234. Pickersgill B. 2007. Domestication of Plants in the Americas: Insights from Mendelian and Molecular Genetics. Annals of Botany 100(5):925-940. Open Access. Price TD. 2009. Ancient farming in eastern North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(16):6427-6428. Scarry, C. Margaret. Crop Husbandry Practices in North America’s Eastern Woodlands. Case Studies in Environmental Archaeology, SpringerLink. Smith BD. 2007. Niche construction and the behavioral context of plant and animal domestication. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 16(5):188-199. Smith BD, and Yarnell RA. 2009. Initial formation of an indigenous crop complex in eastern North America at 3800 B.P. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(16):561–6566.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Future of Biometrics in Network Security Term Paper
Future of Biometrics in Network Security - Term Paper Example This technology is more effective in authorizing and verifying identity of individuals within an organization. Nevertheless, adoption of this technology has been slowed by lack of adequate handling skills and that it is an expensive technology for many organizations. The purpose of this research is to investigate the future of the biometric system within the network security technology. By drawing facts from a wide range of resources, it is possible to identify the future of this technology in the future of network security. The Future of Biometrics in Network Security Introduction With the advent of technology, network security has become a crucial topic for every nation. Network refers to the connectivity between organization, individuals and even countries that allow people to access or be served by the resources that exist within these systems. Today, networks have become inevitable and at some point every person has interacted with a network within their daily operations. One ch aracteristic of a network is that it is sensitive due to the sensitivity of the resources that exist within, making it vulnerable to malicious attacks. For instance, cyber-criminals will attack bank networks to gain access to personal credentials that can help them to defraud the bank of its profits. Each day, organizations lose money, information and other vital resources to network intruders. The increase in network crime has sent security technologists to delve into more research to provide better security systems that can guarantee the safety within networks. Biometric technology is one of the security measures that is slowly becoming a necessity in network security. Biometric systems refer to gadgets that use any form of physiological or behavioral characteristics of human beings that can tapped to identify or verify the identity of a person within a network system. This is a new technology that is finding its way into the network security due to its high reliability and effici ency in identification and verification of human identity. Commonly, fingerprints, eye lids, facial expressions, eye blinks, and even blood are used to allow only authorized people to access network systems within organizations. As the level of crime continues to increase within business organizations, biometric technology is likely to proliferate and the future of network security largely depends on this technology. Today, security technologists engage in deep research to adopt more integrative biometric technology that will enhance security network within organizations in the world. Literature Review The history of network security is a long one and dates back right from the time networks were discovered. Daya (2010) points out that network security is inseparable with networks due to the sensitivity of networks in their area of use. A network is associated with a definite number of people, hence the need to limit access from members outside the network. The network contains organ ization information resources and secrets that are motivators for intruders who intend to use such resources to their leverage. For instance, the military network contains information regarding national matters that have to be safeguarded to ensure that the security of citizens is not compromised. Terrorist attackers have a great motivation to penetrate the military network to enhance their malicious missions. As Daya Points out, a network without
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Function of Government in UAE Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Function of Government in UAE Economy - Essay Example Since then, UAE has witnessed great transformation into a modern state economy with high quality of life for its citizens (Mankiw, 2011, p. 651). There are no doubts in the fact that much of the credit for the same goes to the government and the policymakers who undertook such policy actions and steps to facilitate growth, employment, trade and investment (Ghareeb & Abed, 2010, p. 36). Almost 8 percent of the proven oil reserves of the world are under the control of UAE making it the sixth largest oil rich country in the world (Sayan, 2009, p. 135). They used the wealth earned from oil exports to build a more diversified and sustainable economic structure for their citizens and spent excessively on their development of country’s human resource. This is one of the reasons that when political insurgency and waves of revolution were spreading all over the Middle Eastern region and Arab World, UAE remained relatively very stable (Rostin, 2011, p. 55). This paper is an attempt to e xplore the various economic policies that the UAE government has employed in the past, present, near future in order to create employment, boost GDP, investment, and growth, tackle inflation, and manage international trade. Discussion According to the figures from the year 2010, the population of UAE was just over 8.2 million people and only 15-20 percent of these people were UAE nationals of Emiratis and the rest being foreigners from different parts of the world. In fact, the country has the highest net migration rate in the world of over 23. Furthermore, it is expected by the end of the year 2020, Emiratis will only make up 10 percent of the total population of UAE (Rostin, 2011, p. 55). This decreasing proportion of locals and natives in the country has forced the policymakers to create an Emiratisation program the focus on which remains to employ UAE nationals in an efficient and meaningful manner in private and public sector (Devlin, 2010, p. 25). This is important because alt hough the presence of talented and skilful emigrants is boosting the GDP of the country and the foreign direct investment in increasing employment opportunities but the wealth generated by these people usually go to their home countries in form of remittances and very little of the same is spent within the country (Campbell, 2005, p. 36). Furthermore, the nationals of the country are usually less educated, less trained, and skilful thus making it troublesome for the employers to provide them with work, which explains why they only make up 0.5 percent of the total employment force in the private sector (Sayan, 2009, p. 135; Mallakh, 2009, pp. 250-252). In order to solve this program, the government has enforced rules for corporations and companies to employ a certain percentage of UAE nationals. Moreover, the spending on the government on education and employee training is also increasing so that more and more Emiratis could take up jobs on merit in the future and the country could g ather a pool of business leaders for tomorrow (Gorgenlander, 2011, p. 205; Rostin, 2011, p. 55). Another important step taken by the authorities of UAE to facilitate investment, which would in turn create employment and boost GDP, was the creation of free trade zones. The country has over 20 free trade zones, Dubai Media City, Abu Dhabi Airport Free Zone, Dubai International Financial Centre, Dubai Car and Automotive City Free Zone and Khalifa Port and Industrial Zone
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