Monday, August 24, 2020
Audit and Assurance Value Measurements and Complex Estimates
Question: Portray about the Audit and Assurance for Value Measurements and Complex Estimates. Answer: 1 - Business Risk and Inherent Risk Assessment: a It is apparent that the business danger of HIH is interrelated to the worldwide, nearby and the control ecological variables. The hazard depends on the comprehension of the protection segment alongside the operational usefulness of HIH with the goal that it can fit itself under the hazard assessment parameters Surveying the benefit and the structure: One of the best methodology for evaluating the business danger of HIH is evaluating the productivity and the structure of the business under which it works. This will help in evaluating the serious condition of the business in regards to the ascent in rivalry with the expansion in value go. In light of hazard evaluation, treatment of protection in Australian industry turns out to be generally simpler who are new to the modern guidelines (Glover et al., 2016). The protection and the superannuation commission of is the administrative collection of Australia holding the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority. Deciding the bankruptcy chance: There are various techniques to choose the indebtedness regarding assessing the jobs of the hazard evaluation, which depend on the estimation of inspecting dangers. There are general congruities, which are intended to grasp the capacity with the goal that it can meet the sum past due of the organization. By taking the assistance of productivity structure and liquidation chance, there is a much essential need to accentuation the attention on the business enterprise, which will have little quantities of clients to begin the business (Griffiths, 2012). The applied system is identified with the limit of meeting the obligations of the organization. Hence, there is a need to decide the dissolvability of the organization which at last evaluating the budgetary and the non-monetary contemplations. 1.b The hazard, which HIH at present can deal with, is identified with the evaluating hazard components since it empowers the issue of unfit review having its base on the specific class of money related reports. These are normally founded on holding the system and arranging as per the hazard, for example, natural hazard, control hazard and recognition chance. Inborn hazard: The hazard is worried, with the danger of the budget report where the HIH insurance agency incorporates the protection of the dissolvability edges, charging adequate premiums and the liquidity factor of the associations (Kogan et al., 2014). This comprises of reinsuring the specific various strategies just as giving the record of marine protection rehearses which generally from the callings of protection. Control hazard: The control chance contains the material error which the interior control framework neglects to recognize. For HIH, it has been comprehended that the culmination and exactness of the general record for compromise of the record and the financial balance that has not been performed by the associations (Griffiths, 2012). The monetary situation of the associations depends on the level of distinction in the midst of considerable procedure, which underlines a more prominent level of dependence on outer system of documentation. The expansion of the record accounts and the diverse ledgers helps in the valuation of physical resources of the associations. Location of hazard: The reasonable structure of hazard recognition is worried about the various strategies of performing review, which depends on the monetary exhibition, that don't distinguish the blunders in material or any declarations (Shin et al., 2014). This shows the HIH must chip away at the convenient arranging and adequately diminish the conditions of inability to distinguish the material misquote. It is seen that HIH inward reports can't lead the suitable meaningful methods, as this will assist with managing better execution of deficient arranging and altruism for future tax breaks. 2 Legal Liability: a. This identifies with the issue of inadequate review strategy concerning the review chance, which isn't overseen by the association. The reviewers have restricted comprehension of the innate hazard, which stays unrecognized from the adjustments made in the earlier year by HIH. The significant weight that is presented on the reviewing report, mirrors the evaluating rehearses followed by the HIH (Abbas Iqbal, 2012). The inspector doesn't totally explore the evaluating rehearses, which it can tell to the various practices. The issues are typically identified with the lacking evaluators autonomy, which is connected with the introduction of the non-inspecting work and understanding the HIH business tasks because of high business hazard. For customers: The emphasis depends on the budgetary situation of the associations introducing the lacking arranging of generosity also for the conceded securing cost and the personal tax reductions. It is mirrored that on the off chance that clients utilize previous evaluators, at that point this will make a significant impact on the freedom of the outside examining. The investigation features that the previous reviewers have been holding a decent joint effort with the evaluating group. This comprises of holding up higher impact on the present inspectors relying on the power (Schmidt et al., 2016). It is imperative to signify that there is a nearness of good relations between previous reviewers and the current examiners as they can distinguish and deal with the issues with the related clients, which they hold. For loan bosses: The banks need to weight on the littlest measure of dissolvability prerequisite, under which the association can stay dissolvable at the hour of declaration of executive. The reports are interrelated with the assurance of the executives dependent on going concern. It is imperative to indicate that HIH must put their attention on the liquidity position of the association where the liquidity position is chiefly worried about the operational and monetary exercises of HIH (Schmidt et al., 2016). The hazard was principally worried about the evaluating capacity and exceptional cases of the associations in consistence with the booking strategy of HIH for dealing with and taking a shot at the ventures choices. The portrayals depends on the best possible treatment of the arrangements where there is a requirement for prudential edges. 2.b The conditions, which have made ready for carelessness activities of HIH protection is basically worried about the increasing speeds of the changes, made in the enactments. It is apparent from the investigation that blends of second rate hazard valuing capacity, careless ventures and under-holding the arrangements prompted weariness of monetary assets of gathering. Defective corporate administration practices of HIH: In light of the investigation, it is contended that more profound explanations behind companies insolvency to a great extent contains the office cost issue emerging from the office struggle in the midst of the owners, chiefs and the account holders inside the associations. An enormous territory of the issues was identified with the adjustments, which are politically fortified with direct risk example of the administration. The beginning of the administrative changes is connected with the open liabilities and deficient hazard the board assumes the job for in suitable administration. Proof gives that deficient hazard the board is because of the disappointment in molding the administration strategies and practices (Pitt, 2014). The executives have been reckless to assess the procedure for venture with energy about hazard, which is worried about various wellsprings of data. Absence of freedom for non-official executive: From the recently referenced data, it is comprehended that freedom of the non-official executives is qualified to be addressed and assuredly, it isn't as perfect as it seems, by all accounts, to be. Among the five official executives, two chiefs are past accomplice of Arthur Anderson secretarial firm. It was seen that HIH had paid a whole of $1.7 million to Anderson for examining administrations alongside this an entirety of $1.631 million for the arrangement of non-inspecting administrations (Bagshaw, 2013). As it is gotten that, reviewing administrations is perceived as fundamental wellspring of derogations from the autonomous evaluator and other related executives. Either legitimately or in a roundabout way, the acts of corporate administration of HIH are liable for carelessness activities, which plainly characterizes that the core value or strategy because of need autonomous examination of the administration. Absence of autonomy data assets: It is far reaching apparent that the bookkeeping frameworks assumes a noteworthy job in the elements of business matchless quality frameworks. For an association like HIH, it isn't practicable for the non-official chiefs to accumulate and process the data basic for them to execute the duties of their executives (Pitt, 2014). In this way, the non-official executives obligations must be undermined as on the grounds that there is no other options however to stay subject to the bookkeeping frameworks arranged and coordinated by the administration. Obviously, this represents inborn dangers of the business frameworks. 3-Ethics: a The emphasis has been on the deficient proof before the discharging the review report with the progressions that has been made concerning various records. On the presentation of cozy associations with the non-inspecting administrations has lead to the refusal of paid evaluating administrations (Bagshaw, 2013). HIH needed to employ the individuals for its outer review group are because of following reasons; To examiners were recognizable to the organization The examiners are thought to have the proficient involvement in the diverse money related and monetary issues The administration depends on the holding up crafted by review so as to build up a solid relationship with the outer evaluators. The reviewers need to have confidence on the administrators of customers to such a degree, that it isn't confining the opportunity of the outside evaluators. The reviewers need
Saturday, August 22, 2020
What would be political theorist Niccolo Machiavelli's position about Term Paper
What might be political scholar Niccolo Machiavelli's situation about the Second Amendment in the contemporary United States - Term Paper Example He was one of the authorities in the Florence Republican and was given a post to manage military and conciliatory issues. He was one of the most compelling savants of the western governmental issues. All other political scholar who came after him alluded to him straightforwardly of in a roundabout way in their work. His compositions, similar to The Prince and The Discourses of the First Ten books of Titus Livius, are all around recollected by numerous writers and lawmakers who came after him (Soll, 34). Through his innovativeness in legislative issues, hence it was conceivable to foresee what he would have said on the second alteration on the United States’ constitution. This correction was received in 1791 along with bill of rights. This change was to ensure the United States residents with the privilege of keeping and bearing guns. In any case, Noccolo Machiavelli would have various feelings on this option to keep and remain battle ready. Machiavelli would bolster it and the n again, he would deny the rights giving various reasons. The subsequent change gives the United States residents to keep and bear guns (Spitzer, 23). This privilege was offered because of numerous reasons. Ownership of the guns was significant in the accompanying manners, it assists with repulsing hazardous attacks, awards one the privilege of individual guard, and it empowers individuals in arranging state armies. Machiavelli would have bolstered this alteration in light of the fact that in his composition, he said that before whatever else, every individual must be furnished. He exhorted that military help should an obligation to each resident. Along these lines, each resident ought to have an ownership of certain guns to guarantee that the general public is made sure about from any intrusion. He bolstered ownership of arms giving reasons that great men don't make war the main calling neither can a decent government can permit its residents to make war the main calling (Soll, 37) . He exhorted that every administration should rehearse the craftsmanship on war during the hour of harmony yet war ought to happen when it is important to procure magnificence. He accepted that each resident is viewed as a decent man when he utilizes those arms in a right manner that is intended for. What's more, a legislature is viewed as well government when it utilizes its military to serve that society in an incorrect manner. In this manner, he would bolster the second revision of the constitution. Moreover, Machiavelli would bolster the second correction of the United States’ constitution, which awards residents the privilege of having guns by asserting that this privilege would show that the administration pushes its residents. Inability to allow the residents this right, it will show that the administration needs confidence to the residents. This would make the residents loathe the administration. In any case, the residents ought not be incapacitated to guarantee that the connection among them and the legislature is stayed in contact. This shows Machiavelli would bolster the second correction of United States constitution. There are a few reasons that would cause Machiavelli to restrict the second correction of the United States constitution. As the constitution would offer rights to the residents to keep and bear guns, Machiavelli will restrict it just on the off chance that the residents will utilize the guns in an incorrect manner. He would restrict it is stating that lone productive members of society would utilize the guns during the essential occasions to keep intrusion from others. The individuals who won't follow this ought to be managed in like manner. He said that not all individuals do beneficial things constantly. This is on the grounds that their brains change like tides and now and again, they can cause arm without acknowledging what they are doing. Along these lines, keeping and orientation of guns ought to be canceled since it wi ll cause a ton of damage if the residents use them bad. He would contend this thought not every person
Friday, July 17, 2020
Lets level the playing field for SAT prep
Let’s level the playing field for SAT prep From founder Sal Khan: I’m excited to share some very important news: The College Board just announced that they’re redesigning the SAT for 2016, and we’re partnering with them to make free, world-class prep materials. Our goal is nothing short of leveling the playing field, and we intend, with the deep expertise of the College Board behind us, to make the very best preparation for the SAT. This will be far more than just videos; it will be sophisticated, interactive software to give students deep practice and diagnose their gaps. This means that for the first time ever, all students who want to go to college can prepare for the SAT at their own pace, at absolutely no cost. Unlike other test prep, the resources on Khan Academy will be developed through a close collaboration with the authors of the SAT themselves. With this partnership, our goal is to ensure that students have a deep grasp of underlying fundamentals so they can succeed on the SAT, in college, and beyond. I recently chatted with David Coleman, CEO of the College Board, about why they redesigned the SAT and decided to work with Khan Academy to make prep materials open and free. Check out our conversation and other information about the partnership: What does this mean? By spring 2015, you’ll have access to state-of-the-art learning toolsexercises, software diagnostics and videosdesigned by Khan Academy and College Board specifically for the redesigned SAT. Stay tuned. In the meantime, if you are taking the SAT in 2014/15, you can start practicing today with hundreds of unreleased Math, Reading, and Writing questions from real SATs and more than 200 videos that show step-by-step solutions to each question. Onward!-Sal
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Analysis Of King Lear By William Shakespeare And Things...
King Lear by William Shakespeare and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe are works of writing that both consist of a hierarchy; an existing order in which way society is determined, which is later damaged. In King Lear by William Shakespeare, King Lear has decided to split up his kingdom and give each of his three daughters their inheritance. The two eldest daughters begin to devise a plot to rid their father’s authority and the existence of his former kingdom. The King is undermined by his own two daughters who plan on altering the existing order, leading to his downfall as father and king. In Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, Okonkwo is an aristocrat of the Ibo village. He has been exiled for seven years from his father’s village of†¦show more content†¦Goneril and Reagan try to convince Lear that he is old and incapable and to lessen the number of knights he has protecting him. Lear refuses and heads out of the castle out anger that both his daughters refus e to provide him shelter unless he follows their orders. It is at this event that Lear has realized the error in his choices. Lear’s distribution of power had left him defenseless and that his daughters – as if they were men, were taking full advantage of his self-inflicted disability. And the hierarchy that reigned for centuries of a king over his daughters was now destroyed. Lear, left to his own devices, is left in a devastating storm and seeks shelter and help from loyal companions. When discovered that there is a plot to execute Lear, he escapes seeking shelter and protection from his third daughter, Cordelia whom he had banished and disowned from all power and authority. Due to Cordelia protecting her father, she was later executed by Goneril’s and Regan’s forces. And Lear, the former king who had brought upon his own ill fate died due to grief at the death of his youngest daughter, who truly loved him. Goneril and Regan had succeeded in their uprising against their father and overthrowing the hierarchy. In Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, Okonkwo is known in his village for being a strong, ruthless man. He prides himself on his many achievements and titles and feels that a man is nothing without his pride and ego and is seen in the novel as the up keeper
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Differing Experiences of Death in I Heard a Fly...
Emily Dickinson stands out from her contemporaries by discussing one of mans inevitable fears in an unconventional way: death. In two of her poems, I heard a Fly buzz-when I died and Because I could not stop for Death, Dickinson expresses death in an unforeseen way. Although Dickinson portrays death in both of these poems, the way that she conveys the experience is quite different in each poem. Dickinson reveals death as a grim experience, with no glimpse of happiness once ones life is over in I heard a Fly buzz-when I died. In contrast to this, Dickinson consoles the reader by characterizing death as a tranquil journey in Because I could not stop for Death. However, despite this difference, Dickinson seduces and catches†¦show more content†¦The carriage is not just a means of transportation, but it the last stage of human life before our souls are transported to the afterlife. Dickinson compares death, the most traumatic of human events, to an everyday carriage ride. Later in Because I could not stop for Death, Dickinson hints to the reader that her setting is darkening as time goes on. This is much like one would expect death to look like. In line twelve Dickinson expresses this setting by stating that she and death, Passed the setting sun. However, this leaves the reader with a conflicting question whether the sun was simply setting in its natural state, or if the carriage was moving underground. Dickinson uses this imagery to allow the reader to fill in the blanks that she purposely did not fill in. By using the setting sun as a symbol to foreshadow death, Dickinson creates a darker feeling to the poem. In lines seventeen to twenty, Dickinson uses a metaphor to compare a house to a grave. It is stated that, We paused before a house that seemed/ A swelling of the ground;/ The roof was scarcely visible,/ The cornice but a mound. Instead of comparing a grave to something much scarier, such as a stockyard, Dickinson is able to create a sense of lightness to her poem. The reader is able to connect to a house and relate to the welcoming feeling that most housesShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Death, By Emily Dickinson1056 Words  | 5 Pageshow she views death. Like the jumbled feelings before death. The departing soul’s path to ever after, hysteria, or ending up in a void. Some of her poems may seem contradictory or rather different from the other. However, they are all set in place to showcase Emily’s viewpoint that there are many different types of possible outcomes after death. Through these three poems, she has been able to personify death in vastly different forms of lighting. I Heard a Fly Buzz – When I Died represents theRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 Pagesstudies. I. Title. HF5415.1.H37 2009 658.800973â€â€dc22 2008040282 ISBN-13 978-0-470-16981-0 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PREFACE Welcome to the 30th anniversary of Marketing Mistakes and Successes with this 11th edition. Who would have thought that interest in mistakes would be so enduring? Many of you are past users, a few even for decades. I hope you will find this new edition a worthy successor to earlier editions. I think
Homework At A Secondary School Education Essay Free Essays
The purpose of this survey is to happen out the pupils attitude towards prep, particularly towards the English prep at a secondary school. The research was conducted in one of my categories. The participants are pupils are all in grade 7. We will write a custom essay sample on Homework At A Secondary School Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In malice of larning in the same category, each member of this category has a different degree of English proficiency and has different motives in larning English. I do this research with a hope that after the research, I can derive some certain cognition and experiences in order to assist myself and my every bit good as my co-workers in taking the best manner of giving prep which will accomplish maximal engagement from pupils in carry throughing their prep. Introduction: Background Information: I am a instructor of English at Long Thanh secondary school – a secondary school in a distant inland in Kien Giang Province, Vietnam. I have four categories with an norm of 35 pupils per category. After old ages of instruction, I realized that there was a phenomenon happening twelvemonth after twelvemonth: during the first hebdomads of the semester, my pupils ‘ prep was fulfilled with high frequence than the ulterior hebdomads. After the first month of the school-year, I discovered the fact that a batch of pupils repeatedly neglected to make their prep and normally did ill on most of the trials. Then I reminded them many times ; I called to their house to speak to their parents about this job and told their form- instructor. Occasionally, my pupils would look with prep in manus, but most of the times they appear with merely alibis. Why? It may be at the beginning of the school-year, my pupils might hold less prep and prep possibly easy for them to make, or they merely wanted to delight their instructor. After some hebdomads, they had so much prep from other topics to make every bit good, or they must go to extra-classes, or they felt bored with their English prep. I was really at a loss. I wondered why my pupils did non make plenty English prep. I wanted to cognize more about my pupils ‘ attitudes towards the English prep. I wondered if my pupils did non understand something in the prep or the instructions of the prep were non clear plenty or the prep was excessively hard. What can I make to assist my pupils? After old ages of learning English in secondary school, I face the job that instructor ‘s function is to give prep, and a pupil ‘s function is non to make it! †Due to this fact, I wonder if we should halt giving prep in learning English to secondary pupils. The reply is perfectly â€Å" no. †No 1 can deny that prep is indispensable for scholars in deriving better cognition. It gives scholars chances in acquiring exposed to the new linguistic communication and helps them review their memory of the old learnt linguistic communication. When carry oning this research, I hope that this survey will cast visible radiation on giving prep. It can assist me happen out techniques to help pupils ‘ consciousness about the value of prep every bit good as promote them to carry through their day-to-day prep with more involvement. Background of learning English in Vietnam: In Vietnam, English is taught as a foreign linguistic communication and it is besides one of the compulsory topics at estate schools. Mr. Canh ( 2001 ) remarked that although Vietnamese English instructors presents have a positive attitude to communicative methods, they feel limited in the execution of communicative instruction in their English schoolrooms for several grounds. Communicative linguistic communication instruction is excessively hard in Vietnam, where the instructor ‘s degree of English is low, the categories are excessively big, edifices, furniture, and other agencies are basic, and merely low support can be provided for stuffs, libraries, and other consulting services. The new instruction attack requires new cognition and accomplishments. Teachers are frequently required to pass more clip on making the extra readying, but there are excessively many demands on instructors ‘ clip. Teachers seldom have entree to the input and resources of the mark linguistic communication at secondary schools. Not a individual secondary school in Vietnam has ELT resources and stuffs available to instructors. Normally, there are merely some types of instruction stuffs which are available to Vietnamese instructors. They are text editions, a few practical English grammar books, some instructors ‘ manuals, some cassette – participants and some lexicons ( normally, those lexicons are excessively old and non up to day of the month ) . Not merely do pupils seldom have a opportunity to take portion in meaningful acquiring in touch with native English talkers but besides instructors face the same job. With such a awful English linguistic communication input environment, how can Vietnamese instructors of English keep their English ability off from being fossilized? They themselves have jobs in acquiring in touch with aliens. As a consequence, most of Vietnamese instructors tend to utilize Grammar-Translation Method in learning English in secondary. Furthermore, Vietnamese instructors ‘ wont is reading and of the pupils is composing. Teachers normally combine Grammar-translation Method with the Audio-lingual Method in learning. They ever try all their best to cover everything from the text edition. Besides, they are disquieted about an â€Å" over- prepared lesson program †or â€Å" under – prepared lesson program †. In this instance, pupils merely listen to their instructors ‘ account and transcript everything that is taught. Literature Review Motivation in larning linguistic communications: Motivation is the key to success in making anything, particularly in larning linguistic communications. Secondary pupils, out of sight of their instructors, normally find it hard to hold self-awareness. Language research workers divided motive into two basic sorts: integrative motive and instrumental motive. Harmonizing to Crookes and Schmidt ( 1991 ) â€Å" integrative motive is the scholar ‘s orientation with respect to the end of larning a 2nd linguistic communication. It is characterized by scholar ‘s positive attitudes towards the mark linguistic communication group and the desire to incorporate into the mark linguistic communication community †. Hudson ( 2000 in Norris-Holt 2001 ) stated that â€Å" instrumental motive was the desire to obtain something practical or concrete from the survey of a 2nd linguistic communication †. That is the desire to acquire a better occupation or a publicity ; to go through an scrutiny ; and to read materialsaˆÂ ¦ Harmonizing to Reilly ( 1994 ) , motive is enhanced when larning ends are made clear and when undertakings are sequences and linked in ways that make sense to scholars. Nunan ( 1991 ) said that the good foreign linguistic communication scholar found ways of triping his or her linguistic communication out of category. Liu and Littlewood ( 1997 in Zhenhui 2001 ) pointed out that â€Å" traditionally the instruction of EFL in most East Asiatic states is dominated by teacher-centered, book-centered, grammar-translation method with an accent on rote memory. †These traditional English linguistic communication learning methods have resulted in a figure of typical manners. Most pupils receive cognition through their instructor ‘s conveying instead than they themselves discover it. Students receive cognition instead than construe it. They normally wait for rectification from the instructor throughout their acquisition procedure. What about the instructors? They tend to give everything to their pupils through what they pour on the chalkboard. The chief ground for this linguistic communication survey is a necessity for my pupils to derive accomplishment in scrutinies. Due to the fact that the scrutinies are structured, about all schools in Vietnam are forced to educate their pupils in such a mode that they can make the scrutiny every bit good as possible. These tests are strict trials which required pupils to hold cognition of both extended vocabulary and grammatical constructions in order to make these trials successfully. Why do we necessitate to give pupils homework? The positive and the negative effects of prep: Depending on what facet of the prep statement we are on, prep can hold both positive and negative effects on pupils. The positive effects of prep: Homework plays an of import function in learning linguistic communication to our kids. Goldstein and Zentall ( 1999 ) have stated as the followers: Homework is of import because it is the intersection between place and school. It serves as a window through which we can detect our kids ‘s instruction and show positive attitudes towards our kids and their instruction. For instructors and decision makers, prep is a cost effectual manner to supply extra direction in pattern. The most common intent of giving prep is to assist pupils rehearse what they have already learnt in category. Homework is besides used to reenforce acquisition every bit good as to assist pupils master specific accomplishments. Preparation prep is besides a measure of presenting stuffs which will be presented in the following lessons. There are 10 grounds for instructors to give prep to pupils. Teachers give prep in order to revise classwork, to consolidate and pattern classwork, to widen linguistic communication cognition, to derive farther accomplishments pattern, to fix for the following category, to complete off work started in category or to salvage category clip for more communicative activities, to let pupils to work at their ain gait, to let us to look into that pupils have understood what we have tried to learn, to name spreads in pupils ‘ cognition, and to get farther linguistic communication, manner, and so on, from extended accomplishments work. There are 4 grounds for non completing prep. Students frequently claim: â€Å" I had excessively much prep. †; â€Å" It was tiring. †; â€Å" I forgot. †; or â€Å" I did n’t understand how to make. †Cooper ( 2001 ) found one more positive academic consequence of prep: betterment of attitudes towards school. Giving prep benefits us, the instructors, every bit good. â€Å" Homework improves instructors ‘ ability to cover the course of study and acts as a sort of span between the last lesson and the following 1 †( Weisenthal et al. , 1997 ) . The negative effects of prep: The Official US – Department of Education Website besides province that excessively much prep can do pupils experience bored. Puting excessively much prep can maintain pupils off from taking portion in free clip and fall ining community activities. Other negative consequence of prep is that it can take to unwanted character traits if it promotes rip offing, either through the copying of assignments or aid with prep that goes beyond tutoring. The sum and the nature of the prep undertakings: Cooper ( 2001 in Nelms 2008 ) recommends: That all pupils should be given prep but that it should be limited by a orderly expression: no more than ten proceedingss per dark multiplied by the pupil s grade degree. In other words, a 2nd grader should hold no more than 20 proceedingss of prep all together per dark ; a 12th grader, no more than 120 proceedingss, or two hr. Young kids should hold shorter and more frequent assignments because they have short spans of attending and demand to experience they have successfully completed a undertaking. To better the job of giving prep, there are some experiences from linguistic communication research workers. On the Official US Department of Education Website, they found that to assist pupils with clip direction, we should assist them set up a fit clip each twenty-four hours for making prep. Do non allow them go forth prep until merely before bedtime, most of them wait until the last minute. We should hold them make the difficult work foremost. We must learn pupils the manner they learn. ( Dunn and Dunn, 1978 ) . In short, it is the occupation of pedagogues to maximise the benefits of prep and minimise the â€Å" cost †. How to cite Homework At A Secondary School Education Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Pro-Death Penalty Essays - Capital Punishment, Law, Penology
Pro-Death Penalty Thousands of people will attack the death penalty. They will give emotional speeches about the one innocent man or woman who might accidentally get an execution sentence. However, all of these people are forgetting one crucial element. They are forgetting the thousands of victims who die every year by the hands of heartless murderers. There are more murderers out there than people who are wrongly convicted, and that is what we must remember. I, as well as many others, have total confidence in the death penalty. It is a very beneficial component of our justice system. The death penalty saves lives. It saves lives because it stops those who murder from ever murdering again. It also deters potential murderers from ever committing the crime. Unfortunately, the death penalty is currently used so rarely that it isn't nearly as effective as it could be. In order for it to work, we must put it into practice more often. In recent years, crime in America has been on the rise, in particular, violent crime. This has led not only to an overcrowding of prisons in our country, but also to an increase in the number of death sentences handed down by the courts. Despite the fact that the number of inmates on death row is climbing, the number of death sentences actually carried out in any given year lags far behind. People simply aren't fearful of the death penalty when it isn't used the way it should be (Stewart 50). If the death penalty has been declared legal, then the federal and state governments must employ it to its fullest as a means of stopping previous murderers from recommitting their crimes. Since most of the prisoners on death row are there for murder, executing them would ensure that they would never kill again. Obsessive murderers, who know no alternative to killing, need to be executed to protect both prison guards and society. This view is perhaps best illustrated through the words of Judge Alfred J. Talley of New York who explained ?If I as an individual have the right to kill in self defense, why has not the state, which is nothing more than an aggregation of individuals, the same right to defend itself against unjust aggression and unjust attack (Kaplan 28) About two and a half years ago, my dear cousin, Jaime, became the first victim of a serial killer named Brian Duffy. Jaime, a beautiful twenty-year-old college student at SUNY Binghamton, had been walking back to her dorm after class when she was abducted by Duffy at gunpoint. Wearing a black ski mask and gloves, Jaime's friends were unable to identify him. Having no idea who this man was, they watched in horror as Jaime was grabbed, threatened, and taken away. Jaime was thrown into the front seat of a red Nissan Sentra with no license plates. Later that day, the police located the vehicle, which had been reported stolen, but Jaime and her abductor where nowhere to be found. There was not a single trace of evidence except for the fact that the car was stolen from Jaime's hometown community. Weeks went by and there were still no answers until the day two women, from Syracuse University, were abducted at gunpoint, the same way that Jaime was. The police soon realized that the three kidnappings had significant connections linking them together. These three women had all gone to high school together. Not only did they go to the same high school, they had all dated the same man at one point in time- Brian Duffy. It wasn't long before police tracked him down for questioning. Brian Duffy was arrested in April of 1997 for the rape and murder of my cousin Jaime and the two other young women. They were found buried in his backyard, severely decomposed, beaten, and raped. Each of them had a bullet lodged in their brain. Duffy was sentenced to death two months later. He never stated a motive for what he did, nor did he show remorse. It is now more than two years later and Brian Duffy is still alive and breathing. I am physically sickened when I think about how this killer gets three meals a
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
pardon debate essays
pardon debate essays Does money increase power over the rest of the nation? President Clintons last minute pardons before leaving the White House has left a lingering shadow over his two year Presidency. To understand this controversy, we would need to discuss the Mar Rich pardon, the Glenn Braswell pardon, and the negative impact that these had on the former President and former first lady. The article A President and a pardon, a price? written by Mark Mezzetti and Gary Cohen, stated that Marc Rich fled from the U.S. to Switzerland in 1983 to dodge a tax fraud charge. On the morning of Clintons final day in office, the criticism was becoming well known around the White House. President Clinton had pardoned her from the tax fraud charge. Carol Elder Bruce, the clients lawyer, informed committee staff members that Mrs. Rich had contributed over $200 million to the Clinton Library Fund. (26). A well known source told U.S. News Today that so far Marc Rich has contributed $450,000 in the past three years. (26). Mr. Rich had donated more than $1 million for Democrats between 1991-1992. He also gave $70,000 to Hillary Clintons campaign for New Yorks Senator. While Micheal Milken, former Junk-bond king, waited for a pardon, Clinton fundraisers approached him for money. His spokesman stated that Mr. Milken gave nothing to the fund raiser.(26). But on Presidents Clintons last day in office an e-mail had been sent to Jack Quinn by Denis Rich, Marcs ex-wife, that there was news that Milken will not get the pardon. Milken, who was a pardon applicant that did not contribute to the Clinton Library Fund. Another pardon that was given before President Clinton left was for Glenn Braswell. An article written by Mark Mazzetti and Shelia Kaplan called The scandal that keeps on giving, gave the impression that herb supplement dealer Glenn Braswell was pardoned the same day also. Pr ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
The History of the Italian Language
The History of the Italian Language You’re always hearing that Italian is a romance language, and that’s because linguistically speaking, it’s a member of the Romance group of the Italic subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages. It is spoken principally in the Italian peninsula, southern Switzerland, San Marino, Sicily, Corsica, northern Sardinia, and on the northeastern shore of the Adriatic Sea, as well as in North and South America. Like the other Romance languages, Italian is a direct offspring of the Latin spoken by the Romans and imposed by them on the peoples under their dominion. However, Italian is unique in that of all the major Romance languages, it retains the closest resemblance to Latin. Nowadays, it’s considered one language with many different dialects. Development During the long period of Italian’s evolution, many dialects sprang up, and the multiplicity of these dialects and their claims upon their native speakers as pure Italian speech presented a peculiar difficulty in choosing a version that would reflect the cultural unity of the entire peninsula. Even the earliest popular Italian documents, produced in the 10th century, are dialectal in language, and during the following three centuries Italian writers wrote in their native dialects, producing a number of competing regional schools of literature. During the 14th century, the Tuscan dialect began to dominate. This may have happened because of Tuscany’s central position in Italy and because of the aggressive commerce of its most important city, Florence. Moreover, of all the Italian dialects, Tuscan has the greatest similarity in morphology and phonology from classical Latin, which makes it harmonize best with the Italian traditions of Latin culture. Finally, Florentine culture produced the three literary artists who best summarized Italian thought and feeling of the late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance: Dante, Petrarca, and Boccaccio. The First 13th Century Texts In the first half of the 13th century, Florence was preoccupied with the development of trade. Then interest began to broaden, especially under the lively influence of Latini. Brunetto Latini (1220-94): Latini was exiled to Paris from 1260 to 1266 and became a link between France and Tuscany. He wrote the Trà ¨sor (in French) and the Tesoretto (in Italian) and contributed to the development of allegorical and didactic poetry, along with a tradition of rhetoric upon which dolce stil nuovo and Divine Comedy were based.The dolce stil nuovo (1270-1310): Although in theory they continued the Provenà §al tradition and counted themselves members of the Sicilian School of Federico IIs reign, the Florentine writers went their own way. They used all their knowledge of science and philosophy in a delicate and detailed analysis of love. Among them were Guido Cavalcanti and the young Dante.The Chroniclers: These were men of the merchant class whose involvement in city affairs inspired them to write tales in the vulgar tongue. Some, such as Dino Compagni (d. 1324), wrote about local conflicts and rivalries; others, like Giovanni Villani (d. 1348), took on much wider E uropean events as their subject. The Three Jewels in the Crown Dante Alighieri (1265-1321): Dantes Divine Comedy is one of the great works of world literature, and it was also proof that in literature the vulgar tongue could rival Latin. He had already defended his argument in two unfinished treatises, De vulgari eloquentia and Convivio, but to prove his point it needed the Divine Comedy, this masterpiece in which Italians rediscovered their language in sublime form (Bruno Migliorini).Petrarch (1304-74): Francesco Petrarca was born in Arezzo since his father was in exile from Florence. He was a passionate admirer of ancient Roman civilization and one of the great early Renaissance humanists, creating a Republic of Letters. His philological work was highly respected, as were his translations from Latin into the Vulgate, and also his Latin works. But it’s Petrarchs love poetry, written in the vulgar tongue, that keeps his name alive today. His Canzoniere had enormous influence on the poets of the 15th and 16th centuries.Boccaccio (1313-75): This was a man from the rising commercial classes, whose principal work, ​​Decameron, has been described as a merchants epic. It consists of one hundred stories told by characters who are also part of a story that provides the setting for the whole, much like The Arabian Nights. The work was to become a model for fiction and prose writing. Boccaccio was the first to write a commentary on Dante, and he was also a friend and disciple of Petrarch. Around him gathered enthusiasts of the new humanism. La Questione Della Lingua The question of the language, an attempt to establish linguistic norms and codify the language, engrossed writers of all persuasions. Grammarians during the 15th and the 16th centuries attempted to confer upon the pronunciation, syntax, and vocabulary of 14th-century Tuscan the status of a central and classical Italian speech. Eventually, this classicism, which might have made Italian another dead language, was widened to include the organic changes inevitable in a living tongue. In the dictionaries and publications of the, founded in 1583, which was accepted by Italians as authoritative in Italian linguistic matters, compromises between classical purism and living Tuscan usage were successfully effected. The most important literary event of the 16th century did not take place in Florence. In 1525 the Venetian Pietro Bembo (1470-1547) set out his proposals (Prose della volgar lingua - 1525) for a standardized language and style: Petrarca and Boccaccio were his models and thus became the modern classics. Therefore, the language of Italian literature is modeled on Florence in the 15th century. Modern Italian It wasn’t until the 19th century that the language spoken by educated Tuscans spread far enough to become the language of the new nation. The unification of Italy in 1861 had a profound impact not only on the political scene but also resulted in a significant social, economic, and cultural transformation. With mandatory schooling, the literacy rate increased, and many speakers abandoned their native dialect in favor of the national language.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Comparison - Essay Example He cannot do anything without the use of digital technology. Both the sides of the story are interesting and own a dash of reality in them. Summary 1 In his article, Carr (2008) has discussed the effects of digital technology on our minds, and how it is affecting our concentration. The way information is reachable on the internet is programming our minds in a novel fashion, in which we are getting void of deep thinking and meaningful concentration. Just like Google, there are a lot of search engines where we can find any kind of information we want; and, we only jump from one chunk of information to another without delving into longer pieces of writing. The fast retrieval of information, or our skimming of information, has taken away our power to read books and informative pieces of writing. New technologies like connecting brains with internet are being proposed, which will very likely snatch away our ultimate power to read, think, and analyze. Summary 2 Pinker (2010) states in his article that technology is not to be blamed when it comes to issues related to attention spans, concentration, and information retrieval. He is of the view that it is the fault of human who gets distracted by constantly arriving ads and glowing packets of information on the internet. We, as humans, must tame ourselves to maintain our attention spans and not get distracted. Moreover, the ability to read, critique, analyze and evaluate never came naturally to human beings even before the advent of technology. Instead, even in older times, these abilities were learnt through instruction and practice. These abilities can still be polished even today through practice and experience. Technology and internet is only helping us in our professional fields. Style Analyses Carr’s style of presenting his argument is very easy to understand and self-explanatory. It is an article that even a layman can well understand. It provokes a thinking that is very much related to every individual wh o uses computer these days. However, the latter half of the article seems to be going a bit off-road, but the overall impression is nice. On the other hand, Pinker’s style is very professional. His article is not very easy to understand in the beginning, but the latter half is easy to comprehend. Both the writers, with their own lucid styles, have presented their arguments in a very beautiful manner. Personal Reflection Since I am a tech savvy, I agree with Pinker more. I find his article very effective, since I believe that technology has brought much ease and novelty into our personal and professional lives. I do not agree with Carr when he says, â€Å"Our ability to interpret text, to make the rich mental connections that form when we read deeply and without distraction, remains largely disengaged†(2008, par. 9), because ability to interpret and analyze comes with learning, age, and experience. That has nothing to do with technology. I second Pinker (2010, par. 10) when he says that these abilities â€Å"must be acquired in special institutions, which we call universities, and maintained with constant upkeep†, since it is not in control of internet to take them away. I believe that technology has created great seismic impact on every level of our professions. For example, educators have been trying to modify the instructional process with the help of technology. Teachers started feeling the necessity of incorporating information and communication technology in teaching language. Children can
Saturday, February 1, 2020
How reliable is the Hypervisor Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words
How reliable is the Hypervisor - Dissertation Example Each of the ports can be customized to function in the manner desired by the user to suit the requirements intended. In the virtual networks, the vSphere standard switch functions as the physical Ethernet switch. It senses the virtual PCs appropriately linked to every virtual port and uses the signals to control the network. The hypervisor technology of VMware vSphere 5 serves a significant function in the management of the virtual network systems. The invention of bare-metal VMware ESX in 2001 extensively improved the effectiveness and reliability of networks, which in turn drew several users into the application of the technology in generating virtual technology. The hypervisor has raised the standards for security and efficiency of virtual networking systems due to its magnificent performance. ESXi can be integrated in several network application to facilitate improvement of quality in service provision and to increase the centralized of administration services. This paper outline s the creation of a virtual network using Vmware ESXI 5 and installed in three OSs; Windows 7, Windows xp 32-bit and 64-bit in a real scenario. It also outlines the security hardening of the hypervisor using various security measures including nmap software. The paper further outlines the advantages and disadvantages of the Vmware ESXI 5 by conducting a SWOT analysis of the virtual network created. 4 Chapter 1 5 1.1Introduction 5 VMware maintains the leading position as the supplier virtualization solution via their vSphere suite of services founded on the ESXi hypervisor (VCRITICAL, 2010). The fifth edition of the product is the most useful of all because it provides the user with the most remarkable service that one can imagine. Although the software is offered free without any restrictions or limitations, users are required to login into VMware website and register to acquire a license key to download, install and activate the product. The new ESXi has several features, which giv e its users a wonderful experience in their applications. One should consider a few issues before installing the software. One of the issues is whether the hardware is compatible with the product and sufficient to run the product and whether the OS installed in the PC is adequate to run it. It is thus necessary to consider the hardware requirements for this product because it is critical towards the running of the product. The VMware ESXi when installed in a system hardware, provides a strong virtualization experience between the hardware and the OS. ESXi normally divides a physical server into several protected and moveable virtual systems that can operate alongside each other on the one physical server. Every virtual system stands for a whole system composed of processors, RAM, networking and BIOS in such a manner that an OS and software features can be set up and operated in the virtual system without any customization (VCRITICAL, 2010). Virtual systems are also entirely separate d from one another by the virtualization cover thus avoiding a situation where a malfunction of one of them distresses the others. The distribution of physical server essentials among several virtual systems enhances hardware use and surprisingly cuts on the operational expenses. The virtual networking ability of the ESXi enable users to create multifarious networks among virtual systems linked to one host or
Friday, January 24, 2020
Adorno and Horkheimers Dialectic of Enlightenment Essay -- Mythology
Adorno and Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment 'Myth is already enlightenment; and enlightenment reverts to mythology' (Dialectic of Enlightenment XVI) Adorno and Horkheimer's obscure and nihilistic text Dialectic of Enlightenment (DoE) is an attempt to answer the question 'why mankind, instead of entering a truly human condition, is sinking into a new kind of barbarism' (DoE, p.xi). The result is a totalising critique of modernity; a diagnosis of why the Enlightenment project failed with no attempt to prescribe a cure. This is achieved by a historical-philosophical study of the mythic world-view of animism and anthropomorphism and the Enlightenment attempt to dissolve myth through objectification and instrumental reason. DoE also uses Homer's Odyssey as a metaphorical interpretation of this historical change, where Odysseus is the prototype of the bourgeois man. This study reveals for Adorno and Horkheimer the failure of the Enlightenment project. Enlightenment has no claim to being less a myth than the mythology it failed to escape. This new myth is defined for them by the drive to dominate nature at the expense of alienation of man from nature and from his own inner nature. They follow the appearance of the subject as it is objectified alongside nature, and is dominated with it. The subject becomes an object and his intellect becomes instrumental, and all instinct and sensory experience that fails to be productive in the pursuit of domination is repressed, man becomes mechanized. They also assert that class domination is a direct and inevitable consequence of the attempt to dominate nature, and is therefore inescapable. Background to the text. Adorno and Horkheimer, members of the Frankfurt school in Germany, wrote DoE (which was completed in 1944) while Fascism, a kind of barbarism never seen before, was threatening Europe. They viewed this as the epitome of the self-destructive nature of enlightenment, the final evidence that it would never result in 'a truly human condition'. They wrote in the introduction to DoE that 'the indefatigable self-destructiveness of enlightenment†¦requires philosophy to discard even the last vestiges of innocence in regard to the habits and tendencies of the spirit of the age' (p.xi), hence the intensity of their critique. Being part of the Frankfurt school, Adorno and Horkheimer were influenced... ...kfurt school, does not accept Adorno's solution. He believes Adorno is being too nihilistic in [continued next page] allowing no way to escape instrumental rationality. Habermas's main philosophical project has been to resolve this problem, to allow for the possibility of substantive rationality (i.e. rationality that is not aimed at power and domination but, rather, validity) and, thus, to save the project of the Enlightenment. The result is a theory of open communication that is aimed at an 'ideal speech situation', that is, at a discourse not tainted by instrumental aims. Bibliography: Theodor Adorno and Maw Horkheimer: The Dialectic of Enlightenment (Verso: London, 1997). Theodor Adorno: Negative Dialectics (Routledge: London, 1990)     Jurgen Habermas: The Entwinement of Myth and Enlightenment: Re-reading Dialectic of Enlightenment, in Jay Bernstein (ed.): The Frankfurt School: Critical Assessments vol.3 (Routledge: London, 1994). Axel Honneth: The Critique of Power: Reflective Stages of Critical Social Theory (M.I.T: Boston, 1991). Gà ¶ran Therborn: The Frankfurt School, in New Left Review (ed.): Western Marxism: a Critical Reader (New Left Books: Norfolk, 1977).
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Strategic Planning and Google
Google is able to achieve the perfect combination of Business, Organizational and IS strategies. Its business strategy focuses on delivering superior technology solutions coupled with a work environment that encourages innovation. Google’s IS strategy involves building state of the art applications, networks and security architecture that facilitate the flow of information throughout the organization. Google is able to balance all three aspects of the IS triangle and as a result has dominated the online search and advertising market. 1.How is Google’s mission statement related to its business strategy? Google’s primary goal is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful (mission statement). Its Business Strategy is to create applications that provide value to wide variety to consumers. By creating these applications, Google is able to provide on-demand access to huge volumes of information to consumers. 2. How does Goo gle’s information systems strategy support its business strategy? As part of its IS strategy Google has built an IT infrastructure that allows data sharing across the organization.Google also favors the use of open source software and internally developed tools to drive innovation and collaboration. Google also allows employees to choose applications according to their preferences and business needs. Google also implements network level security that allows users to maintain freedom of communication. 3. How does Google’s organizational strategy support its business strategy? Google has created a modern organization structure that encourages creative thinking instead of rigid corporate structures.Employees are encouraged to take a day from a week to explore their ideas. Google also tends to implement projects with definite goals and deadlines to ensure accountability and performance. Its work culture encourages risk taking and timely decision making. Google’s org anizational strategy tends to concentrate on practical applications of its products instead of the traditional corporate focus on controlling costs. 4. Which of Porter’s three generic strategies does Google appear to be using based on this case? Provide a rationale for your response.In my opinion, among Porters three generic Strategies, Focus is more relevant to Google. Online advertising has remained as the prime target for Google’s products. With its Android mobile products Google has applied the concepts of Differentiation focus to set itself apart from its competitors. Google has steadily maintained its status as a powerhouse by focusing on mobile and online search and advertising. 5. Using D’Aveni’s Hypercompetitive Framework, analyze Google’s strategy and the type of market disruption it has created.Google was quick to realize that its leadership in online search engine market would come under intense fire from its competitors. Google has mov ed rapidly to develop and acquire emerging technology to constantly fill its pipeline with more exciting products. Google has become the largest mobile operating system vendor and has partnered with a large number of device makers to launch cutting-edge products. Google has focused on pushing the envelope on cloud based computing and in one of the leading vendors of cloud based applications and services.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Is Satan A Hero Or Villain - 1258 Words
Is Satan a Hero or a Villain? An Analysis of Milton’s Paradise Lost The heroic qualities of Satan in John Milton’s Paradise Lost are overwhelmingly masked by his ‘satanic’ and villainous acts which qualify his character to fall into a category of villain rather than hero. Paradise Lost is an epic poem and like all epic poems, requires an epic hero with a tragic flaw. The tragic flaws of Satan are too prominent and effectual to call him an epic hero, but rather these flaws, or evil characteristics, carry any title of epic hero which he may have formerly obtained to the ninth circle of hell. In other words, the possibility of Satan to be a hero within Milton’s perception of Genesis chapter three is completely obscene in the face of his overwhelming hate and disdain for the light. But how are these flaws, referred to as evil characteristics from here on, applicable to Paradise Lost and what are the flaws? Essentially, flaws can be stemmed from motivations, and for Milton’s poem, the motivations of Satan and his evil ch aracteristics are one in the same. The protagonist of every story, in this case Satan who is more of an antagonist, has motives that are quite relatable to many people. Satan reveals these motives all in the span of 28 lines in Book I of Paradise Lost. Motivations lead people to do things, such as in the case of Milton himself. What caused him to write this acclaimed poem? It was surely a type of motivation or conviction. As is the case with Satan in the story,Show MoreRelatedSatan As A Hero And A Villain916 Words  | 4 PagesSatan as a Hero and a Villain (Analysis of Satan in John Milton’s Paradise Lost) John Milton created Paradise Lost out of twelve books of well constructed poetry. A poem depicting and going into detail of the story of Adam and Eve, man’s creation and fall. The poem focuses on the actions of one particular character, Satan. Milton introduces his readers to Satan in Book I as a hero, trying to get revenge against God for throwing him out of Heaven, being banished to Hell. But as Satan carries on withRead MoreParadise Lost: Satan Hero or Villain?2668 Words  | 11 PagesSatan: Epic Hero or Villain? John Milton wrote one of the greatest epic poems of all time when he wrote Paradise Lost in 1667. The book tells about mans creation and fall while detailing characters and the plot beyond what the Bible taught. One of these characters is Satan, which is one of the most argumented, controversial, and popular characters in the history of literature. The reason for controversary is the unclarity of whether or not Satan is a hero or a villain. He contains manyRead MoreEssay on John Miltonss Paradise Lost: Is Satan a Villain or Hero?2009 Words  | 9 Pagesof whether Satan is the hero or the villain of John Milton’s Paradise Lost has been largely debated by scholars over the centuries. The ones who believe Satan is the villain of the epic, more commonly known as the Anti-Satanists, tend to argue that Satan is too foolish to be considered a hero, as his â€Å"hostility to Almighty power†is ultimately a futile endeavour (as God’s power is omnipotent) (Carey, 135). C.W. Lewis, also an anti-Satanist, goes as far as to claim that to â€Å"admire Satan, then, is toRead MoreJohn Miltons Paradise Lost863 Words  | 4 Pagesprotagonist focus on Satan. The story is told largely with Satan being favorably portrayed and God having little presence other than cursing things, which convinces the audience that Satan’s view of God as a tyrant may not be too far off. Still, Satan is por trayed as the villain of the story. However, he has characteristics of a classical hero; including flaws that make the audience relate to and feel sympathy for him. By using part of the black-and-white Genesis story which paints Satan as evil and juxtaposingRead MoreThe Paradox Of The Hero1484 Words  | 6 Pagesof the Hero in Paradise Lost What exactly is a hero? A common pedestrian might say a hero is someone who goes out of their way to help people. A child may say that a hero is someone who performs valiant deeds. Merriam-Webster Dictionary itself has 3 definitions of a hero: â€Å"a person who is admired for great or brave deeds or acts,†â€Å"a person who is greatly admired†and â€Å"the chief male [or female] in a story, play, movie etc.†(Merriam Webster Dictionary). In a literary situation, a hero is definedRead MoreAnalysis Of John Orwell s Paradise Lost 882 Words  | 4 Pagesof epics to justify the ways of God to humanity. Paradise Lost includes most if not all of the conventions of epics, however several conventions in particular are the ones that best communicate Milton s message. The first convention is a legendary hero who embodies the values of a civilization. Adam and Eve are our heroes in this story. While Adam and Eve are the only people in their civilization, they still e mbody the Christian notion that humans are weak, sinful, and require God s assistanceRead MoreDemonic Heroism : The Psychoanalysis Of Satan Essay1640 Words  | 7 PagesHeroism: The Psychoanalysis of Satan The epic poem Paradise Lost recounts the creation of life through the actions of Satan, also known as Lucifer, with god and his newer children: Adam and Eve. In the first half of Milton’s epic poem, Satan is first viewed a hero; courageous, a leader of fallen angels. He is prideful and determined in pursuing what he believes to be true which is why Satan rose off the lake of fire and challenges God while he delivered his heroic speech. Satan went on about how â€Å"to beRead MoreThe Role of Satan in Paradise Lost1455 Words  | 6 PagesThe Role of Satan in â€Å"Paradise Lost†John Miltons epic â€Å"Paradise Lost†is one that has brought about much debate since its writing. This epic tells the Biblical story of Adam and Eve, although from a different perspective than what most people usually see. Milton tells the story more through the eyes of Satan, whom most people usually consider the ultimate villain. The way in which Satan is portrayed in this story has caused speculation as to whether Satan is actually a hero in this situationRead More Analysis of Satans Speech in in John Miltons Paradise Lost1010 Words  | 5 PagesHeaven itself. In these first 44 lines, Satan is clearly established as epic hero, but at the same time is theologically/morally denounced by the speaker.  This section of the poem opens by establishing Satans position of power and prestige:  High on a throne of royal state, which far Outshone the wealth of Ormus and of Ind, Or where the gorgeous East with richest hand Showrs on her kings barbaric pearl and gold, Satan exalted sat, (II. 1-5).  TheseRead MoreParadise Lost Analysis1295 Words  | 6 Pagesthrough the eyes of Satan, whom most people usually consider the ultimate villain. The way in which Satan is portrayed in this story has caused speculation as to whether Satan is actually a hero in this situation. He certainly has heroic qualities throughout the story, yet still is ultimately responsible for Adam and Eves sin. Satan can easily be classified as a hero in this story, as well as the main antagonist, depending on the viewpoint of the reader. Milton introduces Satan as an important character
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